what s your amp?

EUCLID: the choice of champions (or the choice of about 30 very financially challenged Brits and Phil Manley from Trans Am)


And The Yellow Fellow and my trusty Fender Twin. I have a little 10 watt SS Traynor as well but it's at the menders.
Rick Reuben wrote:We're all sensitive people
With so much love to give, understand me sugar
Since we got to be... Lets say, I love you

what s your amp?

...yesterday i also found the best amp of all time. its my buddies, and is made baldwin. its british i think anyway it doesnt sound that great, but heres the kicker - IT HAS A LIGHT HIDDEN BEHIND THE TOLEX THAT LIGHTS UP/DIMS DEPENDING ON HOW HARD YOU PLAY.

sorry about the capitals. he says he never noticed it before. i couldnt believe it at first - there is an amp with a hidden light bulb. amazing.
a sense of history

what s your amp?

Marshall battery-operated micro-stack.

Fender tweed Pro Junior. I know so little about tubes that I made my pal Mark swear he wasn't going to fuck it up by taking one out to test another amp during the Glenn Branca thing.

It had more to do with not wanting to play through the "emergency" amp we had for the set rather than fear of losing a tube.

I am so wussy I need a granny cart to bring the Junior with me. Imagine if I had bought what I really wanted, a Princeton Reverb.
I make music/I also make pretty pictures

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