Late mail in Chicago

I am supposed to get a wii in the mail. I tracked it on Friday, and the computer said that it was at the post office. I went down there and they couldn't find it. They said it would probably come to my house today. It didn't. Now it'll be at least Tuesday. And my Direct TV went out yesterday because my tenant forgot to pay our bill. Originally I wasn't that upset because I thought I'd have new video games to occupy my time. And also I was really super hung over all day, and sooo bored.

Late mail in Chicago

Hey guys...ever heard of this nifty thing called electronic mail? It's super great. It allows one to pay bills & such on the internets, thus circumventing our antiquated & ineffective postal system. Many utilites & creditors allow one to pay this way & will even send you reminders in your electronic mail that your payment is due.

With very rare exceptions, I NEVER use the USPS. They fucking suck ass & again with very few exceptions, I look forward to the day where all the postal employees (especially at the Roberto Clemente Post Office on California) are living in cardboard boxes in the street & rummaging through Dumpsters for scraps of food.

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