Holy Shit (jesus lizard live dvd?)

hogrot wrote:There are so many great JL videos floating around youtube, a CBGB halloween show, the one where he gets nailed in the back of the head with the beer bottle, the touch and go one where he gets stripped down on stage.... their shows must have been a fucking ball.

Is there anyone out there now that brings their kind of energy to a show?

I know the guy that put up that video...a friend and former co-worker of the Yowman.

I saw a show the in May where a band unexpectedly launched into "Gladiator." A friend of mine who used to be in one of my favorite bands in the States (band in question is still active) drunkenly got up onstage with his shirt off, and proceeded to do a balls out vocal. He nearly killed himself a few times...he was headed for a completely upside down rendezvous with the floor, but me and a friend from another band I admire saved him (a couple of times).

It was a fucking fantastic show.

kerble wrote:Ernest Goes to Jail In Your Ass

Holy Shit (jesus lizard live dvd?)

Finally got around to getting this DVD - it was in my local Newbury Comics, and I picked it up with the new Naked Raygun DVD.

Seriously, how many times in my life can I go to a store and buy DVDs featuring The Jesus Lizard and Naked Raygun? Fucking great.

Anyhoo, apart from the gratuitous zoomy-zooms, it's pretty great, and makes me miss The Jesus Lizard very much.

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