Is John McCain your choice for President?

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Total votes: 34 (97%)
Total votes: 35

Presidential Candidate: John McCain

clocker bob wrote:I think he has been for a while, but it's so much more exposed when he has a campaign event every single day. He's not second term Reagan yet, but he's getting there- and the people are sensing it. Once you get stamped as 'fuzzy in the head', you never win back the voters.


McCain's gonna pull a Dean on us pretty soon. I'd say within six weeks. It's a shame this event was enough to put him into the abyss.
H-GM wrote:Still don't make you mexican, Dances With Burros.

Presidential Candidate: John McCain

Minotaur029 wrote:Somebody's gotta come out of left field for them methinks...

Like they'll get behind anyone from LEFT field.


itchy mcgoo wrote:McCain's gonna pull a Dean on us pretty soon. I'd say within six weeks. It's a shame this event was enough to put him into the abyss.

A couple of the wacky morning zoo guys here in Milwaukee were comparing the "Bomb Iran" bit to the Dean Scream already. And they're Republicans!

Marsupialized wrote:Thank you so much for the pounding, it came in handy.

Presidential Candidate: John McCain

Minotaur029 wrote:the Republicans do NOT have an appealing candidate in their "top 3." Somebody's gotta come out of left field for them methinks...

I'm starting to think that, since the NWO knows they've got the white house in the bag with Hillary if she gets in, they may take a hands off approach to the GOP race, on the assumption that if either Romney or Guiliani or McCain gets the nomination, it will be a lost cause against any feasible Dem, with the toxic stench of eight years of Bush hanging in the air. Bush has damaged that party so badly, either a woman or a black man has a real good chance.

If you want left field candidates, watch for Chuck Hagel.

Presidential Candidate: John McCain

clocker bob wrote:
Minotaur029 wrote:the Republicans do NOT have an appealing candidate in their "top 3." Somebody's gotta come out of left field for them methinks...

If you want left field candidates, watch for Chuck Hagel.

Oh man, I get excited thinking about it, an anti-war Republican candidate but I still think we're dreaming.

Watch for Fred Thompson, instead.

Presidential Candidate: John McCain

vincent hanna wrote:this just in: mccain tells us to "lighten up".
go fuck yourself, old man. ... 20_pf.html

Yeah, just read that. His spokesman played the Israel card really hard in an attempt to get some breathing room for the doddering old hawk. McCain's spokesman implied that is anti-semitic because they intend to use foootage of McCain singing in a campaign ad. And they played the Hitler card. They are some crazy ass scum.

“It comes as no surprise that America’s most liberal interest group would attack John McCain’s belief that we cannot allow Iran to destroy Israel,” said spokesman Matt David. “After all, posted ads comparing President Bush to Hitler during the last presidential election.”

I really wish someone would explain to me what the fuck Israel is doing with all that money we give them if they, a nuclear power with the best fighter jets on the planet, cannot protect themselves from Iran. Talk about poor results for our billions. We have to first strike everyone whenever Israel asks. Frankly, I'm getting more than a little tired of it.

Presidential Candidate: John McCain

vincent hanna wrote:this just in: mccain tells us to "lighten up".
go fuck yourself, old man. ... 20_pf.html

If I was a politcal advisor my first instinct would be to not attack the media for making a big deal out of this. Because it could potentially make it worse. Yet, he has however gotten quite a bit of flak lately for drifting from his "Straight Talk Express" theme, and the "get a life " comment seems to imply the desire the return to his Maverick status while simultaneously sounding hard-nosed enough (Bomb-Iran) to appease the Hard Right.

When Kerry made the Troops are dumb blunder he tried to fight back first, his problem only worsened, and he was forced into a Plan B apology, which looked really bad, like he didn't even mean it, and sank all future presidential ambitions instantly. Can ol' Weaver pull this off?

Presidential Candidate: John McCain

I just really find it shocking that McCain would state that he wants to blow Iran off the map. What kind of signal does that send to Iran, when we're supposed to be telling their leader to stop making threats against Israel?

It's really scary. We have nukes. We can literally blow Iran off the map. Iran cannot blow anyone off the map.

Soemone should pack McCain in a box with some mothballs and send him off to the Hague. It's a war crime to make the threat he did. International law has ruled that it is.

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