Peter Singer?

Total votes: 4 (36%)
Total votes: 7 (64%)
Total votes: 11

Philosopher: Peter Singer

I originally had a complicated view of Singer, partially due to the fact that I was first exposed to him while attending social work school, where the idea of killing the severely disabled wasn't all that favorable.
I do recall the video tape of an amazing round table discussion that dealt with his Rational Ethics, a book that I own but have not read yet.
I think of Singer differently now, probably because I have grown to be impressed by people who are principled or "radical" (as in - in its most basic meaning - getting to the root of things).

Turning down a juicy piece of dead cow is not for me, but I have known people who turned into vegetarians after reading Animal Liberation.

For stating his ideas WITHOUT being a RAGING, MILITANT asshole - NOT CRAP.

Philosopher: Peter Singer

But his ideas, and since all ideas do not exist in a vacuum, they do incite RAGING MILITANT behavior.

I am sure there are enough nutjobs out there embracing his ideas to a pathological degree, but I was solely referring to his presentation, which is worth something. Many people are able to maintain a sane position towards his ideas, and it shouldn't be his fault that others can't.

Philosopher: Peter Singer

vilna43 wrote:rocker in that case was a parroted thievery stolen from the addressed himself, as it were. Or maybe more honorably a homage to some good days and nights in chicago that lately seems very too far away and ago.
this guy

speaking of tax associated dissonance, not-the-rocker, yikes!
a check in the mail to these bastards. I feel ill.

Just in case of any misunderstanding, I want to make it clear that I wasn't mocking or anything. I really am going to start calling people - particularly those in rock bands - "rocker." I think it's great.
Back off man, I'm a scientist.

Philosopher: Peter Singer

Poolboy- Yeah I get your point about the presentation of an idea. And I admit I only got about ten pages into Liberal Animation(not a NOFX fan) before I started to feel nauseated. My blood pressure does go off the charts when I see the results of these ideas. They are just to nihilist for my liking. Ideas may be presented well, but every idea that is set into motion will have either a productive or destructive result. That's all, I'm done with this topic.

ps. My last sentence on ideas demonstrates the binding of ideas and reality. They are not a dichotomy.

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