Rick Reuben wrote:Yngwie Einstein wrote:It's all about fear.
No, it's about knowledge to counter your fear.
Clocker Bob, this is your performance art piece. I am sure you know all about the effects of fear. Fear is what helped W get re-elected and what has prevented Democrats from taking the stands necessary to reverse the direction in this country. Fear sells books. Fear publishes web sites. Fear drives cable news ratings. Fear makes Americans hate Mexicans but not Canadians (well, that and race). Fear drives campaign donations. Fear tells parents they can't raise a family in the city, so they move to the suburbs and let the urban schools and infrastructure fall into disrepair. It's a booming industry.
yngwie einstein wrote:At this point, our country is circling the drain and there's nothing anyone is willing to sacrifice to turn it around.
Rick Reuben wrote: Okay then- assuming the country is circling the drain, let me ask some questions:
Since you claim that all the left wing *and* all the right wing doom prophets and conspiracy theorists are only exploiting the fear, then you must have some 'third wave' strategy for waking people up to the fact that their country is circling the drain- that, or you would prefer that they ignore it, but since you complain about this:
Bob, there is no third wave. Not when people can isolate themselves from interacting with people face to face. You can't wake up people who don't want to know. Americans have been trained by the fear mongering media to fall in line with the whims of corporate-driven mass media. And when the news gets too depressing, Americans block it out.
As long as everyone has an iPod or cell phone or TiVo, they don't need to pay attention as society's core rots. As long as they can buy relatively cheap goods at Target or Wal-mart and find their favorite Clay Aiken song on iTunes, no one is going to lift a finger to stop what's going on.
The right wing loves fear. It keeps them in power. And once the hippies grew up, they opted for fancy cars and mansions instead of changing the world for the better. So forget counting on liberals. Once they get any kind of money or power, they turn conservative.
yngwie wrote:It's not like anyone really tries to solve problems.
Rick Reuben wrote: I'm thinking you're looking for solutions. Got any? You tell us. How do you make people mad about where this country is going without scaring them?
Take away their TVs and cell phones. When all the distractions are removed, our country is fairly capable of solving many problems. Make voting mandatory. Destroy the two-party system. Have a national election day and a national primary day. Make the primary open to all parties and hold a run-off for the top two votegetters, unless one person gets more than 50% of the votes. Term limits for all elected officials at every level. Change the Constitution to make Supreme Court justices eligible to serve one 10-year term and then retire. Eliminate the Electoral College...
I could go on, but the fact is, none of these initiatives will take place in my lifetime because people who think like me don't get placed in positions of influence and the yammering media just writes us off as outside the mainstream or kooks. And the people who make our laws are only interested in preserving their power and privileges.
Rick Reuben wrote: Since you dismiss the motives of all the conspiracy theorists across the whole political spectrum, how about you draw out the path you want Americans to take? Explain to us what we should know, and what we shouldn't know, because it's just too frightening. Can we expect the mainstream politicians to lead us out of the tunnel? Is Obama '08 going to put us all into the life boats?
Sadly, Obama will be like every other Democratic candidate I've supported. He'll lose because the MSM wants to annoint Hilary. But hey, I 'm used to it. I voted for Paul Simon in 1988 and got Dukakis. Voted for Tsongas in 1992 and got Clinton. Bradley in 2000 and got Gore. Wesley Clark in 2004 and got a pine board. Straight shooters can't win when the media doesn't do the job it was intended to do. Corporate news media cares more about the bottom line and preserving the access to government they currently enjoy. Hey look, there's a picture of Paris Hilton crying!
All you need to know can be found in a book of fiction written in 1935. Read Sinclair Lewis' "It Can't Happen Here." When people see that the worst things can happen to anyone in the name of fear, you'll understand where I am coming from with this rant.
Rick Reuben wrote:Critics should have answers.
And there should be a pie in everyone's home. I never claimed to be a critic. I was just pointing out what seems to be so painfully obvious.
Rick Reuben wrote: I know you'll either duck this or fire back some more ad hominem bullshit, but I did have fun putting you on the spot.
Hope you enjoyed my ad hominem bullshit -- served up steamy.