alex maiolo wrote:Steve V. wrote:Sonic Youth should just pack it in or go back to recording twenty minute songs of wailing distortion.
Right, because that pays the rent.
What they *should* do is exactly what they want, as long as they are enjoying themselves. Sonic "Youth's" age averages nearly 50 years old. They are pretty cool for 50 year olds.
It's not like they jumped on the mashup craze, did a dance record, dabbled in electronica, scored "Titanic II: My Heart Still Goes On" and then went latin. Rather Ripped was pretty good. In one way or another they have made "Sonic Youth Music" for a long time now. Ripped had a lot more in common with Sister than it did with Confusion Is Sex, and Sister came out two decades ago.
They changed music, lived in toilets and put out some good records, let's give 'em a break. This is not the end of the world, and again I say, Starbucks is hardly the worst corporation around by a long shot. I might argue, in fatc, that they are probably a SHIT load better than *any* record company when it comes to morality.
Sonic Youth has undoubtedly paid many years' rent, many times over.
This is greed, pure and simple. Starbucks may not be the worst corporation in the world, but let's not forget their stance against worker's unions and their backing of a order that made Fair Trade-certification for farmers more out of reach than ever before ($20,000-30,000 to become certified and therefore to become a customer of Starbucks), but they are still a corporation. I'm sure some of that info is erroneous, because I can't recall exactly where I read it, hence I cannot double check my claim. I've read that Starbucks profits somehow end up in the pockets of Israeli military leaders...clarification anyone?
Yeah, they are cool for 50 year olds. "Rather Ripped" was decent enough, and the two before that were absolutely excellent. Yet, I'm still bothered by the fact that Sonic Youth would so easily be coerced into dealing with a big corporate chain like Starbucks. I don't give a fuck who they are or what band they're in...they're still a fucking sell out. They jumped at the chance to make a living off of their band by conceding to corporate interests. They took fat checks and big name producers (Dirty) to capitalize on the early-90's college rock craze. So did the Melvins, so did Nirvana, so did Dinosaur Jr. Doesn't mean they didn't make some kick ass music, but they sidestepped the independent route for a nice fat limousine ride to "rock stardom." Do I lose sleep at night over it? No. Do I think they're a bunch of fucking whores? A little. Will it stop me from being a fan? No, but their convictions are definitely to be taken with a grain of salt from now on.
Sonic Youth is loaning their music to a chain store that sells overpriced coffee for the "hip factor." Paul McCartney brings in the hippie geezers, Sonic Youth brings in the lame-o indie rocker kids. Stores do it all the time. That's why Cartel is in a bubble somewhere with Dr. Pepper, Wal-Mart, Nike, Fuck stick, etc. whatever logos printed all over the building and they're "recording an album." It's all to sell a fucking product.
So fuck Sonic Youth for selling fucking coffee.
Not fuck Sonic Youth for being a good band.