
Total votes: 22 (71%)
Wooo-cheee-beee! (Decidedly not crap.)
Total votes: 9 (29%)
Total votes: 31

Expression: Wooo-cheee-beee!

Boombats wrote:Eierdiebe, we may not always see eye to eye but I support your freedom of expression. The Premier Rock Forum may not be the place to express your love of this word, and you may not convince anyone here to embrace the phrase, but you should not be censored. "You're here, you're woocheebee, get used to it."

Jawas say "Utinni."

Thank you for the kind words.

For my next sig, I'm thinking of making an all too large, animated gif that blinks, "Wooo-cheee-beee!" in big neon letters over and over, just to piss a few folks off.

Expression: Wooo-cheee-beee!

BadComrade wrote:Speaking of which... What's Boombats got goin' on these days?

If you must know, it's an animated gif of your mother getting rigorously fucked from behind by a guy with a Howdy Doody mask.

Probably a deleted scene from Mulholland Drive.

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