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Pass along some love...
Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 1:27 pm
by gcbv_Archive
i like you all, I think.
off the top of my head:
brad for his "kenny" lists
dylan has single handedly turned me on to four or five books
greg's electronics info has been especially informative
what about tmidgett? he needs props.
Pass along some love...
Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 3:11 pm
by Angus Jung
LAD wrote:
>toomanyposts...generally makes me feel better about my life
He does this for me too.
Salut, the toomany!
Pass along some love...
Posted: Fri Aug 06, 2004 8:22 pm
by Mayfair_Archive
I really enjoy this forum. I feel I learn a lot (a ton!) about recoding and about music and when those are not the subject of the day there are many very insightful, funny, opinionated, and knowledgeable folk in here with a LOT to say on everything from farting to Fred Ward and everything in between. I have visited many other forums but this is the only one I actually miss if I do not log on in a day for some reason.
You are my second stop after google news. Thank you one and all!
Pass along some love...
Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 12:59 am
by kerble_Archive
I snuggle you all.
To the 500+ club: Well done gentlefolk, you've made me laugh and quote your funniness on a regular basis. I look forward to joining your ranks and hope that the crap I spout can stand up to how much I've taken in from y'all. I look forward to meeting each and every one of ye.
Those that Kenny: Aw christ, well done. Mr. BRW, I've quoted your Eagles' "Peaceful easy feeling" kenny every time I've explained how much fun i've had on this stupid interweb. The kenny has brought the phrases "bad handy" and "the dirty waddle" into my own lexicon and I appreciate it. You've made my speech all the more colorful.
Mr LAD, thanks for all the great games you've foisted on us. Your mind makes me rethink everything all the time.
Dylan, your "zingers" are so well received. Best one-liners here, seguro.
Mr. Chimp, I laugh uproariously.
Rotten Tanx, your hatred of everything is inspiring.
Mr. Mayfair, Salut!! There's something really warm about the way you write. You made me cackle in the coctails and I wish you the best.
'Copters, damn you for posting so much. I look forward to you moving to this area.
Senor Stackmatic, your paintings make me happy that someone gives a damn about something other than music. Go to . I've looked forward to the day when I can have your art in my home.
Hosoi, you make me vomit in humor. I was actually compiling a "best of Hosoi" yesterday for a new post, but I decided to not be creepy and let your "A dick should blast through their brains" vibe ride on uninterrupted.
The Brits: y'all rule over there. Fuck you. Thanks.
Mr. Russ: I haven't ever had this much fun online, ever. Thanks for bringing all these folks into my day. I really appreciate it.
Nick60647, yes, yes y'all. You saved our record and I am forever greatful. Go see New Black. Now.
Signore Albini, gracias para todos.
Pass along some love...
Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 2:20 am
by kerble_Archive
Yes, by the by, the "Amazing. Asshat." footer that Mr. the Classical has been rocking makes me laugh every single fucking time I see it. Every single fucking time.
Pass along some love...
Posted: Sat Aug 07, 2004 4:03 pm
by GuyMercier_Archive
oh, somebody mentioned me! Gosh, thanks copters I think you are cool too as well as Dylan, Bradley and Tmidgett among a lot of others, it's true I've been slacking elsewhere a lot, I find that a forum is less easy to monitor than a mailing-list...
oh, yeah this is for copters, the
origin of my avatar revealed
Pass along some love...
Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2004 5:06 pm
by kerble_Archive
Chismas Cheer!
Pass along some love...
Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2004 6:05 pm
by Angry_Dragon_Archive
Y'all can eat a bag o' dicks for all I care.
ps. That's as tender and heartfelt as I get.
pps. You guys don't need to eat a bag o' dicks. Just lick one of them for me.
ppps. You don't don't even need to lick one. How about a candycane instead.
pppps. Then shove that damn cane right up your ass.
ppppps. How's that for some love?
Pass along some love...
Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2004 8:16 pm
by Rotten Tanx_Archive
kerble wrote:Rotten Tanx, your hatred of everything is inspiring.
Damn. I got a mention and it was total mistaken identity. I do hate stuff but I dont "rant" at this board, must've been someone else.
I dont know which of you I love most but this is by far the most intelligent board I've ever read. Probably the only place on the internet where I think twice (or even thrice) before I post something. Damn you all and your filthy big brains.
edit: dammit, two typos in a sentence about how clever you all are. See, I get nervous!
Pass along some love...
Posted: Thu Dec 23, 2004 8:59 pm
by wiggins_Archive
Rotten Tanx wrote:I dont know which of you I love most but this by far the most intelligent board I've ever read.
Ditto. my friend sends me links to and i cant help but feel superior.