Do you wake up early?

zzzzzzz (crap)
Total votes: 18 (58%)
not crap
Total votes: 13 (42%)
Total votes: 31

Act: Waking Up Early

Rotten Tanx wrote:
Does anyone have a trick to forcing themselves out of bed? A friend of mine kept a spotlight lamp at the foot of his bed and when his alarm would go off he'd lean forward and flick the light on. Despite collapsing back onto his pillow he could never get back to sleep because of the very bright light pointed at his eyes.

I'm interested to hear a decent answer to this as well. I've done everything to keeping a can of Red Bull by the bed (waking up and chugging it like 15 minutes before I'm supposed to be up) to keeping an Adderall by the bed (same method).

These were only during dire circumstances, like having to work wake up for school hung over.

Act: Waking Up Early

not crap.

i've been training myself to get up early. used to be 7am. i'm now up at 6am daily, trying to work myself back to 5am.

however, my body works best at around 4pm and my brain at about 9am.

wonder what i can do about that.
To me Steve wrote:I'm curious why[...] you wouldn't just fuck off instead. Let's hear your record, cocksocket.

Act: Waking Up Early

I fucking hate it. But I've noticed that in the past couple of years, my lifelong habit of staying up late for no particular reason and then being able to sleep in is slipping. Even on weekends, I'm usually up before 9:00am, no matter how late I stayed up the night before. Consequently, I find myself getting drowsy at fucking midnight on a Friday night. Not cool. Next thing you know, I'll be eating dinner at 4:00pm and rushing home from the cafeteria so I can catch "Murder, She Wrote" reruns.
Last edited by Ty Webb_Archive on Thu Nov 08, 2007 1:41 pm, edited 1 time in total.
You had me at Sex Traction Aunts Getting Vodka-Rogered On Glass Furniture

Act: Waking Up Early

Nico Adie wrote:I used to have absolutely no problem getting up early, and would regularly wake at around 6am. However, since I've acquired blackout blinds, I could probably sleep 'til 6pm if it wasn't for my alarm clock.

Not Crap.

I considered purchasing these for my bedroom, but at the time they were prohibitively expensive. So I have gotten used to sleeping with a sleep mask for the two months in wintertime that the sun rises seemingly outside my bedroom window.
I make music/I also make pretty pictures

Act: Waking Up Early

Rotten Tanx wrote:I find it next to impossible to get to sleep before 5am and always have. Getting out of bed, no matter how long I've slept for, is always difficult too.

Does anyone have a trick to forcing themselves out of bed? A friend of mine kept a spotlight lamp at the foot of his bed and when his alarm would go off he'd lean forward and flick the light on. Despite collapsing back onto his pillow he could never get back to sleep because of the very bright light pointed at his eyes.

Put your alarm as far from your bed as possible.

Act: Waking Up Early

I get up at 6am during working days. I don't mind it but I'd rather be wrapped up in bed most mornings.

overall rating: Not Crap
The very existence of flamethrowers proves that sometime, somewhere, someone said to themselves, “You know, I want to set those people over there on fire, but I’m just not close enough to get the job done.” - George Carlin R.I.P

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