Stanley Kubrick

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Total votes: 27 (93%)
Total votes: 29

Director: Stanley Kubrick

NC. Kubrick is one of those masters who is almost unmatched with pacing (Kirosawa is probably the only other director that is on the same level). The only movie I didn't really enjoy of his (and I've seen all of them), is his last one, "Eyes Wide Shut." This is more for the fact that I can't stand Tom Cruise and Nicole Kidman. Cruise was ok, but Kidman's performance seemed so forced.
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Director: Stanley Kubrick

Rick Reuben wrote:I came across a series of three videos that deconstruct the subliminal messaging in Eyes Wide Shut.

Here's the guy's site- from there you can view the three videos hosted on youtube:
rob ager's eyes wide shut analysis
( The videos appeared to have been pulled repeatedly from youtube because of CV complaints, so you may want to DL copies while they're available ).

Thank you very much for posting that link! Two days ago, I had never heard of Rob Ager, and now I have seen a ton of his analyses and commentaries and enjoyed them all tremendously. His take on Road Warrior is amazing, and his look at Matrix gave me a new level of respect for that film, which I otherwise only enjoyed on an action/FX basis.

His commentaries on independent filmmaking and subliminal advertising are great as well.

Director: Stanley Kubrick

Mazec wrote:
Rick Reuben wrote:I came across a series of three videos that deconstruct the subliminal messaging in Eyes Wide Shut.

Here's the guy's site- from there you can view the three videos hosted on youtube:
rob ager's eyes wide shut analysis
( The videos appeared to have been pulled repeatedly from youtube because of CV complaints, so you may want to DL copies while they're available ).

Thank you very much for posting that link! Two days ago, I had never heard of Rob Ager, and now I have seen a ton of his analyses and commentaries and enjoyed them all tremendously. His take on Road Warrior is amazing, and his look at Matrix gave me a new level of respect for that film, which I otherwise only enjoyed on an action/FX basis.

His commentaries on independent filmmaking and subliminal advertising are great as well.

I will definitely watch EWS again after reading this essay. I already like the film, unlike a lot of others apparently, but this essay makes it even more interesting for me.
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