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I m Going To Bed!

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 5:54 pm
by johnnyemphysema_Archive
sack of smashed assholes wrote:my body says yes, but I say no.

my mind is tellin' me no, but my body, my body is tellin' me yes.

I m Going To Bed!

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 8:07 pm
by The MayorofRockNRoll_Archive
Eh...Halloween...took a nap, then went and picked up a few things I'd kind of inherited from my ex-gfnd who'd just moved to the Bay Area. Depressing, sure, but fuggit. Did go out Tuesday night, and the Saturday before, so I'd been plenty festive already.

Sleep, that shit's alright.

I m Going To Bed!

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 8:32 pm
by petercobber_Archive
My foot has gone to bed under the weight of my body. I can't walk to the "uncle chucks" drawer like this.

I m Going To Bed!

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 9:45 pm
by burun_Archive
I want to go to bed. But there's too much work to do.

I m Going To Bed!

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 9:52 pm
by Maurice_Archive
burun wrote:I want to go to bed. But there's too much work to do.
Same here. Anyone able to get some sleep for me?

I m Going To Bed!

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 10:26 pm
by Mark Hansen_Archive
I'm having a hard time getting to sleep lately, due to some stressful events at work recently.

I m Going To Bed!

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 11:41 pm
by Bradley R Weissenberger_Archive
I've fired up a shitty ass Totino's cheese pizza and "Rear Window".

After a long, long day of good work and a supremo band practice, I'm going to hit that shit like a guidance counselor at a pajama party.

Good night, oil slaves!

I m Going To Bed!

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 11:43 pm
by NerblyBear_Archive
Bradley R. Weissenberger wrote:I've fired up a shitty ass Totino's cheese pizza and "Rear Window".

After a long, long day of good work and a supremo band practice, I'm going to hit that shit like a guidance counselor at a pajama party.

Good night, oil slaves!

Dude, Totino's is the worst of the worst. It's probably the worst food item to be found at the 7-11, and that's really saying something.

I m Going To Bed!

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 11:47 pm
by Bradley R Weissenberger_Archive
NerblyBear wrote:Dude, Totino's is the worst of the worst. It's probably the worst food item to be found at the 7-11, and that's really saying something.

Shit's tight -- like a restroom floor Funyun.


I m Going To Bed!

Posted: Thu Nov 01, 2007 11:51 pm
by scott_Archive
Totino's "party pizza"? I'd venture to say that shit ROOLZ. I'm a huge fan of the Totino's sausage "party pizza". Just enough pizza for one person. What a party is this!?!?!?

My heart goes out to all the not-proper sleepers. I don't think I've slept properly ever in my entire life. Some of my earliest memories are of my dad drunk, listening to loud Pink Floyd or watching Poltergeist when me and sis were supposed to be sleeping.

I prefer the night shift. Unfortunately, society is not on the same page. It's a shame.

Go to sleep, everybody. Seriously. Stop thinking, stop smoking, stop doing whatever trivial shit you're doing and go get in the bed and lay down and shut the fuck up and sleep.

Never that easy, is it?