by tmidgett_Archive
Movie was pretty great. Sounded surprisingly good, lotsa great footage.
Effigies. Kind of obviously the kings, in terms of overall blend of command, intensity, originality, musicality. Other bands might have had them on one thing or the other, but no one else put it together the way they did.
Raygun, early. So much weirder than the latter-day stuff. Kind of startling.
Strike Under. Sharpest, most aggressive band of the bunch.
End Result. Totally odd. The little bits they showed were bewitching. I'd like very much to hear more of their music.
Big Black, not much time spent on them, but the one clip was as alien and freakish as I remember them being, which is saying something in the context of the other bands and with twenty years' hindsight.
Every time I hear the Mentally Ill, it makes me laugh. It's some of the funniest, most ridiculous music ever. I was so taken with the Jax-driven guitar sound when I first heard it, I dug up the schematic for the pedal and built one.
The hardcore bands were as boring as ever. It really flattens things out when they come into the picture.
Since it will undoubtedly filter out, I will point out that Vic Bondi calls out Steve at one point. Like, to a fight. Over, like, not liking Articles of Faith and saying unflattering things to that effect. This is in the present tense (2007), like he was saying 'let's fight...today. Over those things you said about me. Twenty years ago.' Jesus...H...Christ.
The very end is a bunch of back in the day it was so much better stuff, which gets tiresome. But Jeff Pezzati has a funny comment at the end, which redeems that entire segment. The funniest thing about this part, though, is left unsaid: the Effigies made one of their best records THIS YEAR. It was only better back in the day if you have stopped trying.
Overall, a swell film. Very nicely framed--little attention to anything from Big Black/latter-day Raygun on, since you can find out about it elsewhere.
It's called You Weren't There, and I hope you all take the time to see it or buy it or whatever.
Show was sold out by the time I got there, which was a BUMMER b/c I really wanted to see the Mentally Ill and, after seeing the flick, End Result.