I am Louis Althusser

I am also Michel Foucault. That's nice. Now every time i go to prison, I can think to myself, "My theories in Discipline and Punish influenced the institutional architecture of the building in which I am now getting my ass pounded unmercifully. I need now to add a new chapter to The History of Sexuality, entitled 'Le Institutionalizasion de ass pounding' [errm, I should also brush up on my French while I'm in here]. And trade a few cigarettes for some salve. Maybe I'll end up with syphilis like Friedrich Nietzsche..."
If it wasn't for landlords, there would have been no Karl Marx.

I am Louis Althusser

You are Jacques Derrida! You founded Deconstructionism in 1966, and have been a thorn in people's sides ever since. You argue that texts cannot be reduced to a single meaning, among other things. You are dense, impenetrable, and not dead.

Not dead, but close: teaching at UC Irvine.

Do you think JD watches "The OC"?

I am Louis Althusser

Angus Jung wrote:You are Jacques Derrida! You founded Deconstructionism in 1966, and have been a thorn in people's sides ever since. You argue that texts cannot be reduced to a single meaning, among other things. You are dense, impenetrable, and not dead.

Not dead, but close: teaching at UC Irvine.

Do you think JD watches "The OC"?

Oh, jeez, he's at my alma mater now. I actually had a political economy instructor there, Creel Froman, who was really really good. He wrote, "Language and Power", a super-heavy attempt to deconstruct language by showing its bases in power structures. He was really funny, and absolutely loved the fact that I used the term "sucking theglass dick" in an essay for his course comparing Nietzsche and Marx. Maybe he'll finally have somebody to eat lunch with. And regardless of how otherwise bad that college is (and trust me, it is, for the most part, very, very bad), the bar on campus has (or at least did back when I went there) $8 pitchers of Guinness. That beer is as dense and impenetrable as is Derrida!
If it wasn't for landlords, there would have been no Karl Marx.

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