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Loading gear sucks.

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 9:40 am
by j_harvey_Archive
Can I join the whinefest? We practice on the fourth floor of a warehouse building (ceilings are something like 15-20 feet each). We no longer have access to the elevator. So...that's eight flights of stairs to load up.

Loading gear sucks.

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 9:42 am
by Pasha the Pom_Archive
I'm also typically hauling around a Fender Studio Bass amp--they don't call it "studio" for nothing!

Loading gear sucks.

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 9:44 am
by Benny_Archive
trompuss wrote:In my very first band, we played once at the radio station at Rollins College, in Orlando. After we played, our stupid drunk drummer dropped my twin reverb down the cement stairs leading to the station. I watched my amp bounce down the stairs, end over end, as the wood broke apart at the joints. I somehow put it back together later, but it was never the same.

arggh! what an horrible image!
there's a legendary guitar player here that, completely drunk and stoned and after a particulary bad gig in a museum on the top of a HILL, decided to throw his twin reverb down the hill.
like, 100 meters bouncing.

the damn amp has been slightly repaired and now another friend of mine plays with it. that one was really well built.

Loading gear sucks.

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 9:52 am
by cesb_Archive
benadrian wrote:No shit.

Doing it every day for over 3 weeks is worse.

I was the tetris guy.

Ben Adrian

Your band is lucky to have a tetris guy. We had one, and shit was worked out so precisely, we all memorized the loading pattern and recreate it.

I never minded the load-in/load-out. I agree with the PRF'er who called it a ritual (Minotaur?). The worst items to load in my previous band were a Fender Twin Reverb which had some ungodly/heavy EV super speaker, and of course, the bass rig (a tube SVT). The Orange Cab was big enough that 2 people carried it, so that was not as much trouble, in my mind, as the Twin or SVT, which APPREARED small enough that you didn't want to look like a fairy and ask for help with.

Loading gear sucks.

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 10:00 am
by zom-zom_Archive
Flour insisted on touring with his home-built plywood and 2X4 5X15 cabinet. Before the tour, I stated that I would not help carry that abomination. I had a Marshall 1X12 combo, sleeping bag, clothes, cables, everything but my guitar in an anvil case with wheels.

These days I use a Park 1X12 combo. I like compact. We practice in my basement. I don't mind hauling gear, it's good excercise.

Loading gear sucks.

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 10:04 am
by simmo_Archive
You mean none of y'all - not a single one - can afford to have roadies?

You should all read this thread.

Loading gear sucks.

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 1:21 pm
by tarandfeathers_Archive
j_harvey wrote:Can I join the whinefest? We practice on the fourth floor of a warehouse building (ceilings are something like 15-20 feet each). We no longer have access to the elevator. So...that's eight flights of stairs to load up.

I have recorded a band in a set up like this twice. All their gear to get up, plus a studio's worth of equipment, mic stands, desk, everything. I seriously hope we find somewhere more sensible to use before the next time they need a b-side on the cheap...

Loading gear sucks.

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 1:31 pm
by busbus_Archive
Anyone play the Warehouse in LaCrosse, WI ever? At least the stairway is wide.

I tried to help a buddy of mine lift his 8x10SVT cab up some stairs ONCE while sort of tipsy. I dropped the bottom end(mine) on my foot. I broke a couple of toes. I was able to still walk that night, but oh man, the next few weeks sucked. If I wanted to go downstairs and take a shower, I would have to sit on the stairs and scoot my ass down step by step.

Loading gear sucks.

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 1:40 pm
by chris jury_Archive
anyone remember Jay's Upstairs in Missoula? That was a total bitch to load into/out of. Especially the rickety wooden back stairs when they were covered in snow and everyone was drunk. Man, I am glad the ampeg 8x10 never made that trip.

Loading gear sucks.

Posted: Fri Dec 14, 2007 1:43 pm
by vockins_Archive
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