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Board Game: Monopoly

Posted: Tue Dec 25, 2007 6:20 pm
by lemur68_Archive
Minotaur029 wrote:My grandparents always let me cheat when we played this game...only I didn't know I was cheating.

"Man...if only I had Pennsylvania Avenue...I'd be set."

Then my grandmother would be like..."Jack, isn't there some rule that blah blah blah" and somehow, I suddenly had Pennsylvania Ave. At the time, it didn't really take the fun out of the game. Probably because I was 5.

I think this is pretty much how real-life monopolies happen.

Board Game: Monopoly

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 4:47 pm
by STF_Archive
johnnyshape wrote:This fucking game never ends properly. It invariably ends when people get bored and just give up and stop playing.

...before the game, make a secret rent-strike alliance with another player that you will short each other on any rent due between you. This will make you both unbeatable in the long run, and is just the sort of backstabbing underhand scumbag attitude real property speculators have. Added realism!

The first time I saw someone do this I was scandalized - Cheating, I cried! The game was never the same for me after that.

Actually, I never liked the game all that much. So boring. The last time I played was in college. A friend of mine came over with a bunch of liquor and a Monopoly board. He wanted to fuck my roommate.

Board Game: Monopoly

Posted: Wed Dec 26, 2007 8:07 pm
by YardDancer_Archive
Monopoly is awesome.

If you ever have an entire afternoon on your hands, Riskopoly is even more awesome. It does take a long time though, and it will take longer if one or more people are prone to bargaining proceedings (which is really the best part of the game).

The gist of it is that you play regular Monopoly, except that each time you pass Go, you take a turn on the Risk board. Players fund their armies using Monopoly money. It's very dynamic, in that a player may appear weak on the Risk board, but suddenly mortgage all his properties, buy a mass of armies, and go on a rampage. Lots of fun and treachery.

Board Game: Monopoly

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2007 4:16 am
by Spinach Orlean_Archive
monopoly first introduced me to WORLD POLITICS!

Board Game: Monopoly

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2007 4:56 am
by fancyjamtime_Archive
If you want to check out a creepy subculture, check out the world of the boardgame fetishist...

(full disclosure...I belong to the former of these and am a moderator on the latter)

Monopoly is repetitive and boring. Check out Puerto Rico or Power Grid for good casual strategy games, Diplomacy if your tastes run toward the stabby.

Hey, at least we ain't cosplayers...

Board Game: Monopoly

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2007 3:42 pm
by Red Square_Archive
YardDancer wrote:Monopoly is awesome.

If you ever have an entire afternoon on your hands, Riskopoly is even more awesome. It does take a long time though, and it will take longer if one or more people are prone to bargaining proceedings (which is really the best part of the game).

The gist of it is that you play regular Monopoly, except that each time you pass Go, you take a turn on the Risk board. Players fund their armies using Monopoly money. It's very dynamic, in that a player may appear weak on the Risk board, but suddenly mortgage all his properties, buy a mass of armies, and go on a rampage. Lots of fun and treachery.

that sounds bad ass!! i've never played risk but really want to now...i love the thought of this...terrorism AND funding a war?

did someone get their peanut butter in my chocolate?

Board Game: Monopoly

Posted: Fri Dec 28, 2007 6:30 pm
by ubercat_Archive
fancyjamtime wrote:Monopoly is repetitive and boring. Check out Puerto Rico or Power Grid for good casual strategy games, Diplomacy if your tastes run toward the stabby.

Real men play Diplomacy. :) And iffin yer man e-nuff, you might try Die Siedler Von Catan. Maybe try Cosmic Encounter.