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Blastomeres Formed By Cleavage Of A Zygote

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 12:10 am
by Ekkssvvppllott
Rick Reuben wrote:
Ekkssvvppllott wrote: It's possible (and quite common) to hold strong opinions about any number of subjects but also understand that some of these opinions are not conclusive
You are the one who is fumbling with simple concepts. There is no such thing as a 'conclusive' opinion. Do you not understand the definition of 'opinion'?

In so far as one thinks he's "right" with an opinion, he essentially believes it to be conclusive, even though it is in fact an opinion, and cannot be "right" or "wrong." Some people hold opinions which they believe to be facts. Though maybe my semantics weren't the best, that's what I was getting at, this unfortunate flaw, and that when a person believes he's "right all the time" he often fails to recognize his opinions for what they are.

By the way, a thought just occured to me... I have never once seen you explicitly admit that you were wrong about something, anything. You appear to have no sense of autocritique. I guess it makes sense, then, that you wholeheartedly believe "future events will validate every unpopular stance [you] have taken."

What a piece of work you are.

Blastomeres Formed By Cleavage Of A Zygote

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 1:12 am
by Christopher J McGarvey_Archive
Rick, not to be a bother, but please leave your thread titles alone.
I clicked on this thinking I was gonna see tits and instead I saw the same thread I saw 3 days ago.

Blastomeres Formed By Cleavage Of A Zygote

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 1:29 am
by Skronk_Archive
Rick Reuben wrote:
Christopher J. McGarvey wrote:I clicked on this thinking I was gonna see tits and instead I saw the same thread I saw 3 days ago.

Dude, cleavage is a real word. It's not just part of some 'porn' vocabulary.
If I did happen to post a thread with tit pictures, it would immediately be swarmed by Cranius, antero, and Andrew L., who would all tell me that my tit photos were anti-semitic. :lol:

They'll argue over the right way to interpret the tits.

Blastomeres Formed By Cleavage Of A Zygote

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 1:33 am
by Ekkssvvppllott
Rick Reuben wrote:
Ekkssvvppllott wrote:In so far as one thinks he's "right" with an opinion, he essentially believes it to be conclusive
Who cares what he 'believes'? Without factual proof, it remains an opinion. If he has factual proof, then it leaves the world of opinion and enters the category of knowledge. There is no such thing as a 'conclusive' opinion. The two words do not belong together.

That's not the issue, whether an opinion is capable of being conclusive. The issue is that anyone who thinks he's right all the time is full of shit, often to the extent that he mistakes his convictions (mere opinions) as being factual.

Blastomeres Formed By Cleavage Of A Zygote

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 1:49 am
by Christopher J McGarvey_Archive
Rick Reuben wrote:
Christopher J. McGarvey wrote:I clicked on this thinking I was gonna see tits and instead I saw the same thread I saw 3 days ago.

Dude, cleavage is a real word. It's not just part of some 'porn' vocabulary.
If I did happen to post a thread with tit pictures, it would immediately be swarmed by Cranius, antero, and Andrew L., who would all tell me that my tit photos were anti-semitic. :lol:
I was kidding and you know that.
Seriously though, stop altering your thread titles.
It allows people the opportunity to skip over your old threads and not reread the same shit over again.
Everyone knows the Ron Paul racist crap is just that.
It's CRAP.

Blastomeres Formed By Cleavage Of A Zygote

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 2:44 am
by numberthirty_Archive
Rick Reuben wrote:
steve wrote:Do you see why shouting about the banks and taxes will have no effect on me?
Not my concern. Hate to break it to you, steve, but someone who believes that two planes and small fires can cause three steel skyscrapers to explode into dust and metal chopsticks is not someone whose approval I am seeking. Remain in denial about the overpowering influence that accrues to those who control systems of debt and currency. Who cares? You're one person, as am I. I don't overestimate my ability to spark an awakening, nor do I overestimate your ability to squelch one.

Nothing you can tell me about banking or 9/11 has any value. I am right and you are wrong. I've done the research and you haven't. Whatever comfort level you have for living with lies is your business. I encourage you to reject every word of every post I have made. You should either be all in or all out. I have gone all in. My comfort level is very high, and so is my confidence that future events will validate every unpopular stance I have taken. The truth is the anvil that has withstood every hammer.

Has it occured to you that the boogeymen are just leading you to believe that the anvil is withstanding the hammers?

You've done the research. How can you know that the boogeymen haven't figured for your type of person and, set up the facts to make you impossible to take seriously?

This is all before your presentation makes people take what you say less seriously.

Blastomeres Formed By Cleavage Of A Zygote

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 2:51 am
by that damned fly_Archive
(why i don't like talking about politics.)

Blastomeres Formed By Cleavage Of A Zygote

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 3:01 am
by syntaxfree07_Archive
Rick Reuben wrote:I've done the research and you haven't.

You should do some research on mental disorders while you are at it. I mean that in earnest. I worry about you.

The Heritage Foundation?!?!

Blastomeres Formed By Cleavage Of A Zygote

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 3:33 am
by Ekkssvvppllott
Rick Reuben wrote:Why do you worry about my interpretation of my opinions? What's a bigger concern for you? My opinions, or your own? Stop reading me if you think I'm full of shit.

I'm not primarily concerned here with your opinions or mine, but rather the opinions of people in general, particularly those who think they're always right.

Sure, my original comment was sparked by something you said, but it wasn't solely, necessarily directed at you.

Instead (again) I was mostly addressing the subset of people in this world who think (and seem to think) that they're always right:
Ekkssvvppllott wrote:
Rick Reuben wrote:...future events will validate every unpopular stance I have taken.

Come off it, Bob.

Only a supreme lunatic would think he's right about everything.

I understand, what with your rampant persecution complex, that you can't help but personalize much of what other people have to say in a discussion, but like it or not, it isn't all about you, buttercup. I swear!

That being said, though it's probably a waste of time for me to even bother with this, based on what I've seen you write on this forum, I still feel the need to point out that you seem to possess a rare, pathological form of self-righteousness. And that, in combination with your numerous, often dubious polemics, it can only but undermine whatever de facto truths you have to offer (I don't think you're wrong about everything).

So if you're intent on fighting the good fight, maybe, just maybe, you'd do well to take into account your own shortcomings and limitations. It's not an imposition to tolerate a good deal of arrogance if the person wielding it is also self-critical and capable of mending errors, learning from his mistakes.

Blastomeres Formed By Cleavage Of A Zygote

Posted: Sun Dec 30, 2007 11:54 am
by Ekkssvvppllott
Rick Reuben wrote:
Ekkssvvppllott wrote:you'd do well to take into account your own shortcomings and limitations.
Or you could just stop reading me. Problem solved.

I'll stop reading you, Bob.

You can bank on that.