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Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 3:01 pm
by lemur68_Archive
The ensuing thread kind of proves RJR right.
Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 3:03 pm
by mrdfnle_Archive
water rules!
Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 3:06 pm
by John George Peppers_Archive
run joe run wrote:I'm fucking off for a while.
I don't think Rick Reuben should be banned (I agree with Steve that there are other more innocuous members who waste more space). I just think he is an utter, utter cunt who has turned a place that used to be mainly fun and interesting into a tiresome, miserable space on the internet.
I've been posting here since 2004 and while it's had its ups and downs, it's never been anything like this shitty.
One: If you don't like Rick Reuben politics, then don't read his threads.
Two: You are a active member here. If you feel that this forum is "shitty" then do something about it. Post topics you would like to talk about...let your opinion be known. One person
CAN change the tone of this forum. Look no farther than your own Rick Ruben example.
It seems to me that you've been posting here for a while and you've either exhausted the topics you wanted to discuss or you've simply grown tired of posting here. Instead of facing that, your blaming RR and others you don't want to list.
With that said.....
7. Threads about other posters are almost universally stupid. Especially nasty threads. Unless you are 100% sure that is it a good or funny story or something similar don't do this.
3. If you make a post stating that you are leaving, you will be.
Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 3:08 pm
by sparky_Archive
He is fucking off, dumbass. I would much prefer it if you would. I'm sure there's a plethora Verve who would welcome you with open arms.
RJR has left the building, stop being a dick, dick.
Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 3:11 pm
by Marsupialized_Archive
lemur68 wrote:The ensuing thread kind of proves RJR right.
I feel terrible, just terrible.
I really did not fully comprehend at first the earth shaking ramifications of some dude throwing a hissy fit and not posting on some web page anymore.
Wait, that's not exactly correct...he's announced he will
soon not be posting on said web page anymore because he has a problem with the freedom allowed to people to say what they want to say around here.
He demands a crackdown on posts from people he dislikes or else he'll not grace us with his presence anymore.
It's starting to sink in now.
We are fucked. We are all fucked.
Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 3:13 pm
by Marsupialized_Archive
sparky wrote:He is fucking off, dumbass. I would much prefer it if you would. I'm sure there's a plethora Verve who would welcome you with open arms.
RJR has left the building, stop being a dick, dick.
what the fuck is a plethora verve?
Sounds like scientific name for some plant or fish
Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 3:16 pm
by cwiko_Archive
Tom wrote:caix wrote:
Speaking of that, anyone notice it's 61 degrees out today?
No F'ing shit!
I fucking love it. Just like a nice little break before we're 6 feet in the shit again.
Remember Jan 2005? It was almost 70 a couple of days.
This weather is scaring the shit out of me. I like winter to be, well...wintry. Ya know, cold & icy & snowy & all that shit. 61 degrees for the 2nd consecutive day, such thing as climate change or global warming or whatever you want to call it.
Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 3:16 pm
by tommydski_Archive
I agree the thread is sort of silly.
Still, RJR was a great poster. He will be missed by me because he was funny and outspoken. This
thread about Godard's
Weekend remains one of my favourites. I hate seeing less and less people from the early days of the PRF.
Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 3:19 pm
by caix_Archive
I love how people complain about Rick Ruben. He's got a lot of crazy ideas, but he tends to have a lot of information to back it up. So he's quite well-read or and usually has something informative to say. Whether or not you agree with him is a different story, but we're all entitled to our opinions. If you don't like his conspiracy theories, then don't read them. It's really that simple. You have a choice. And of course, leaving is one of those choices. We just don't need a public service announcement about how you've decided this place isn't fun anymore.
See you later, crabbypants.
tommydski wrote:I agree the thread is sort of silly.
That was the point.
Posted: Mon Jan 07, 2008 3:19 pm
by scott_Archive
time off can be a really good thing. the plusses that this forum has brought to my real-world life are immense. the minuses are small in comparison. and time off can be a very good thing sometimes.
enjoy your sabbatical! hopefully you find things enjoyable if and when you return.