Best Shellac Q & A?

In November 2001 in Munich (right after the US attacking Afghanistan) some guy shouted "No war! Noooo waaaaar!" while Steve was fixing his guitar or sth.

Then Steve went to the microphone and said: "Ladies and gentleman, we have a genius among us. He has thoughts on war at the time. Well, war is something that I have not been thinking about for a very long time. Is there anything else you want to tell us?"

The guy: "Yes! Nooo waaaar!"

Steve, Bob and Todd looking at each other in a baffled way.

Steve: "Now shut the fuck up!"

Best Shellac Q & A?

At one of the morning ATP shows someone asked something along the lines of

"why are you playing a gig so early?"

to which Todd looked horrified, said

"Wait, this is the gig? I thought this was the soundcheck"

got up and walked off to the back, rummaged around in his bag and came back to the drums with his sunglasses on.

Best Shellac Q & A?

Vera, Groningen, 2004-ish.

"Why are you called Shellac?"

Bob: "Why do I get all the geek questions?"

Steve: "Shellac is an industrial product, made by insects."

Todd, visually irritated behind his kit, puts down sticks, walks up to one of the mics: "Because the Todd Trainer Project was too long."

Best Shellac Q & A?

R Clem wrote:Minneapolis, 7th Street Entry, The 1990's:

"Is Todd single?"

(A short delay as Todd stands up, walks around his kit and leans over to the mic)

Todd: "I prefer to spend my free time with my parents."

Hahaha, this one's my favorite.
And also that thing with the sunglasses. He should get more questions.

I loved his "DON'T BOTHER ME" speech at the Touch and Go anniversary.

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