Who s The Best Tough Guy Writer?

twobeatsoff wrote:
Dr. O' Nothing wrote:William T. Vollmann

Yes. Vollmann investigated violence in every country and didn't die. He is by far my most bad-assed manly writer.

Specifically, WTV has:

1. Endured a 2 week solo camping expedition at the North Pole.
2. Interviewed Columbian Drug Lords, memers of the Yakuza and Pol Pot's generals all on their home turf.
3. Rescued a prostitute from her 'pimp' in Thailand (or maybe Cambodia)
4. Smoked crack, etc. while hanging out with/researching the pimps, prostitutes, pushers of the Mission District in SF.
5. Survived a landmine blowing up his vehicle while on assignment in Bosnia (his friend and driver, didn't).

there's much more...
D. Perino deduced: "The Cuban Missile Crisis?...“It had to do with Cuba and missiles, I’m pretty sure.”

Who s The Best Tough Guy Writer?

Rotten Tanx wrote:Anyone care to elaborate on any of these? Some of them I never heard of.

Hemingway and Mailer probably need little explanation.

Philip Levine is a poet who also grew up in a blue collar family and used to work in (I believe) the auto industry. I'm also almost certain that he used to be a golden glove boxer. I'm positive, however, that he punched John Berryman in the face and broke his glasses when Berryman hit on Levine's wife/partner. He's actually probably not much a tough guy, but I wouldn't want to fight him. He'd surely whip the shit out of Charles Bukowski. His writing whips the shit out of Bukowski's too.

Thom Jones often writes about boxers. (His first collection of short stories is called The Pugist at Rest.) An anecdote: Jones once gave a reading at a Barnes and Noble in Cedar Rapids, Iowa, which I regret missing. During the reading, some customer was chatting with someone else in a nearby aisle. Jones asked him politely if he wouldn't mind keeping it down. The customer ignored him and continued to talk loudly. Jones asked him again to be quiet. The customer again ignored him.

So Jones threw his book at the guy's head and screamed, "SHUT THE FUCK UP!!!" The manager of B&N then escorted Jones from the building.
My grunge/northwest rock blog

Who s The Best Tough Guy Writer?

emmanuelle cunt wrote:Bukowski.

I'm pretty sure Bukowski's a pussy. I saw him in a 80's interview arguing with his wife/girlfriend. When he got really angry he twisted round on the couch and started ineffectually kicking her with both his feet in a bicycle motion.

It was pretty sorry to watch a grown man do such a thing. His legs were slender and wierdly womanly, too.

Spiteful, yes. Tough, never.

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