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PotLuckCon2008 (formerly TapeOpCon)

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 2:35 pm
by stewie_Archive
Can't go this year.

Super fucking bummed out.

You bitches better post pictures when you get back. I have a feeling you'll all be having too much fun to even think about taking pictures though, and afterwards I'll just die a little more inside.

PotLuckCon2008 (formerly TapeOpCon)

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 2:54 pm
by turnbullac_Archive
I suggest Port O Call as a place to go. It's on Esplanade, which is directly across the French Quarter. Maybe like a mile from the hotel? It is awesome. The drinks are huge and strong as fuck and the burgers, steaks, baked potatoes and salds are all unbeleivable

PotLuckCon2008 (formerly TapeOpCon)

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 3:33 pm
by El Protoolio_Archive
greg wrote:Everybody should go to my panels and stare at me.

I am not able to go this year but you already know that.

Call me if you get stuck though and I will talk you through your workshop. You can even put me on speaker phone if that helps.

PotLuckCon2008 (formerly TapeOpCon)

Posted: Tue Jun 03, 2008 3:45 pm
by goosman_Archive
I'll be there, no car though. I'll be on the Home Recording least when I'm not at Greg's panels staring at him.

PotLuckCon2008 (formerly TapeOpCon)

Posted: Tue Jun 10, 2008 9:24 pm
by stewie_Archive
Alright, how was it?

Make me jealous, bastids.

PotLuckCon2008 (formerly TapeOpCon)

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 2:09 am
by a-mat_Archive
I know someone on another message board who worked as the party staff there or what ever...

"I just worked this party. . .

It was the closing event for PotLuck Con, which is what the TapeOp conference is now called.

200 people, and maybe 15 of them were women. So funny.

Anyway, I overheard this conversation and it made me laugh. It's so outrageously cliche.

Two little indie rock recording nerds are at the bar talking to my very sweet and earnest coworker who has no idea what the conference is about or the reason for this party. Everything about these guys is stereotypical "indie rock dude" right down to the black rimmed glasses, small button down shirts, polyester pants, etc.

Coworker: Where are y'all from?

Dude 1: California

Dude 2: Yeah, I'm from there also.

Coworker: Oh, awesome! I've been to California. When I was there I saw the Redwoods.

Dude 2 (to Dude 1): Didn't they get a major label deal and get dropped and go back to an indie?

Coworker is looking at them both quizzically.

Dude 1: Um, I think she's talking about trees."


PotLuckCon2008 (formerly TapeOpCon)

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 9:34 am
by turnbullac_Archive
I won the poker tournament

PotLuckCon2008 (formerly TapeOpCon)

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 8:14 pm
by alex maiolo_Archive
turnbullac wrote:I won the poker tournament

Whoa! There was some excellent swag in that there tournament, right?
What did you get?

Great seeing you and the Chicago Krew, by the way. You guys make Nerd Time, Fun Time.


PotLuckCon2008 (formerly TapeOpCon)

Posted: Wed Jun 11, 2008 8:22 pm
by stewie_Archive
a-mat wrote:Coworker: Oh, awesome! I've been to California. When I was there I saw the Redwoods.

Dude 2 (to Dude 1): Didn't they get a major label deal and get dropped and go back to an indie?

Price: less

PotLuckCon2008 (formerly TapeOpCon)

Posted: Thu Jun 12, 2008 2:38 pm
by greg_Archive
alex maiolo wrote:
turnbullac wrote:I won the poker tournament

Whoa! There was some excellent swag in that there tournament, right?
What did you get?

Great seeing you and the Chicago Krew, by the way. You guys make Nerd Time, Fun Time.


I think the term was Nerd-Herd

Congrats to turnbullac!!! He won an album to be....
Don't forget to get your tape and broken mic.