Arby's is:

Total votes: 12 (50%)
Not crap at all.
Total votes: 12 (50%)
Total votes: 24

fast food: Arby s

Germ War wrote:Arby's was a luxury when I was growing up because it was so much more expensive than other fast food joints.

Over the years, they changed their roast beef, and it's nowhere near as good as it was to me in my wide-eyed youth. The prices have not been reduced to reflect this lower quality.

Their menu is unfocused with too many specialty items, allowing them to not really excel in any one category.

I ate there today, and it wasn't bad, but on most occasions I wonder why the hell I went there to begin with.

Crap, huge waffles.

Yeah, what is up with their prices? I feel like they have the ability to take over a huge chunk of the fast food world if they would just price things more on the Taco Bell side and less on the Bob Evans side.

I'm going to go with 'crap', as 99% of the items on the menu can be accurately described as such.

Curly fries being the exception.
The band is happening

fast food: Arby s

Dr. O' Nothing wrote:
enframed wrote:if it's good enough for david putty, it's good enough for me.

Lets see some photos of you rocking your leather 8ball jacket...

ha! i didn't see your post until now. nice one.

i don't have an 8ball jacket but i've recently learned to "high-five" as well as putty, i even put my head down as my arm goes up.
To me Steve wrote:I'm curious why[...] you wouldn't just fuck off instead. Let's hear your record, cocksocket.

fast food: Arby s

I once ate four beef-n-cheddars and drank a chocolate shake just before taking the stage with Malignant Growth; I had played a high shool football game earlier that evening and had not eaten since breakfast. It was a really bad idea.
dontfeartheringo wrote:I need people to act like grown folks and I just ain't seeing it.

fast food: Arby s

Brett Eugene Ralph wrote:I once ate four beef-n-cheddars and drank a chocolate shake just before taking the stage with Malignant Growth; I had played a high shool football game earlier that evening and had not eaten since breakfast. It was a really bad idea.

Did you end up doing a Mike Watt?

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