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Another example of sticking it to the Majors

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 6:56 pm
by hench_Archive
Boombats wrote:Man you shoulda done this $300 thing with your album, hench...

no shit, right... i finished up the physical version of the album over the weekend, but it's no $300... i don't even know if it's for sale at all... there's only 100 of them instead of 2500 - guess that makes them worth more?

i had to laugh though- my album has a real desert thing going on with it. lots of treated photos from the last time i was out in palm springs, all dry and dusty and cactus-y. i crack open the pdf that came with the new nin album this morning - homeboy is all desert style as well. i got a feeling, somebody's watchin me....

Another example of sticking it to the Majors

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 6:58 pm
by Skronk_Archive
hench wrote:i got a feeling, somebody's watchin me....


Another example of sticking it to the Majors

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 7:00 pm
by elisha wiesner_Archive
tommydski wrote:Putting it into perspective, if Shellac made a $300 limited edition vinyl record, I'd already have it pre-ordered and a place cleared on my wall.

The same thing for any number of bands if the package was cool.

i can't think of a single band i would pay $300 for an album by. seriously. and there are some bands that i love. that just seems like an insane amount of money for a record.

Another example of sticking it to the Majors

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 7:05 pm
by tommydski_Archive
Well, $300 is only about £150 in real money. If it was a really superb package, I'd definitely shell out that much. The money is going to the band and I want them to continue so it wouldn't bother me that much. I make quite a lot of money these days and I don't really socialise at all.

People pay a lot more for regular records on eBay.

Another example of sticking it to the Majors

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 7:24 pm
by elisha wiesner_Archive
The money is going to the band and I want them to continue so it wouldn't bother me that much

i think this is the only good reason i have ever heard to spend a lot on a record. the thing is, trent resnor doesn't need your money and the bands get nothing from old records sold on ebay for insane money. what did that bottomless pit record cost? $20 or something. i was happy to pay that. double album, great packaging, great music. if it had been $300 i would not own it. somebody paid like $850 for a copy of the friends of shellac record on ebay a while back. that is crazy. it is a good record but $850! with that money i could buy like 100 records i want and still have money left over for a fancy diner. i'll stop rambling now.


Another example of sticking it to the Majors

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 7:42 pm
by Colonel Panic_Archive
Skronk wrote:Haha, it's not the seller thats crazy, it's the buyer. I like this new release, but there's no way in hell I'd shell out 75, or 300 bucks just for his signature, and a tissue with his snot on it.

It's just a low-rent version of the same old con that Psychick TV used to run back in the '80s.

Another example of sticking it to the Majors

Posted: Mon Mar 03, 2008 7:45 pm
by Skronk_Archive
I was disappointed when I read Genesis and company only released 17 of the planned 23 live albums. A psychic con job?

Another example of sticking it to the Majors

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 7:48 am
by DazeyDiver_Archive
enframed wrote:bah!

no way.

i know some 30 yr olds that love NIN too but they love TR more. no vocals isn't going to appeal to them.

I loved TR because I thought he was a musical genius. My favorite album by NIN (and the last NIN album I bought, I thankfully stopped caring about them over the hiatus) was Still, which only had 2 or 3 vocal tracks on it.

Here's a funny story about instrumental NIN. My favorite song by them/him was an instrumental called "at the heart of it all" which was on one of the remix CDs. I must have listened to this album about 2 or 3 times a day for several months. I was infatuated with it and I had never heard anything like it.

Anyway, I found out a few years later (after I was no longer into NIN) that this track was a remix by Aphex Twin. It was one of those "Remixes for Cash" he did where a label asked him for a remix of their song and he sent them whatever he was working on at the time. RDJ had never even heard the NIN album.

my fav nin track is probably the instrumental "adrift and at peace" on still. so gorgeous.

this new instrumental album is just so-so so far. reznor really hit an instrumental peak around the fragile/still.

Another example of sticking it to the Majors

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 8:24 am
by 242sumner
hench wrote:i bought the $300 one last night.


Good for you then. :wink:

Another example of sticking it to the Majors

Posted: Tue Mar 04, 2008 10:31 am
by Sebastian J_Archive
It's Reznor, so I don't care.