Culture: Goth
Posted: Fri Nov 12, 2004 6:35 pm
p.s. i agree w/ geiginni
placeholder wrote:OK, I'll 'fess up. In highschool, I was one of these "goths". Granted, I wasn't into fantastical crap (I've always hated fairies, werewolves, and all that stupid Dungeons and Dragons crap that so many of these people seem to be into), and I didn't wear fangs or a cape or anything, but I did have the Robert Smith hair and black lipstick and stuff. The majority of so-called goth stuff I listened to in my spookier days I still listen to now, i.e. Joy Division, the Cure, Bauhaus, Siouxsie and the Banshees, Cabaret Voltaire, Bowie, Skinny Puppy, TG, Chrome, Alien Sex Fiend, early Sisters of Mercy, the first Christian Death album, etc, etc, etc. I figured out pretty fast that all that newer "goth" stuff that was coming out on Cleopatra and Projekt was utter garbage, though I think I had some Black Tape for a Blue Girl, one Rosetta Stone album, and maybe one Switchblade Symphony album for curiosity's sake. I found that stuff tiresome, and sold it pretty quickly.
gio wrote:is it any worse than the little punker kids (who are often seen wearing Nirvana shirts these days) and the pacifier-sucking ravey kids? C'mon, think about what you were wearing in high school. It's pretty unfair to judge fourteen year-old kids, i think.
Lemuel Gulliver wrote:
Ravers maybe are worse because their drugs of choice dull their already blunt brains.
wes9 wrote:The man suffers from..painful muscle rigidity that keeps him from opening his mouth.