I m Not Here To Make Friends
22I accidentally loaded up that video twice, and as they both played over each other I glimpsed the future of industrial music.
I m Not Here To Make Friends
23I'm not here to make friends always makes me laugh as one of the new overused reality show empty statements.
But my very favorite line is:
We're close to the end. There is no room for error.
But my very favorite line is:
We're close to the end. There is no room for error.
I m Not Here To Make Friends
24KharBevNor wrote:I accidentally loaded up that video twice, and as they both played over each other I glimpsed the future of industrial music.
Salut, KharBevNor! So nice!
I m Not Here To Make Friends
25I want to make friends. I don't care about winning.
I want to be a friendly person.
I want to be a friendly person.
Gay People Rock
I m Not Here To Make Friends
26"This is the Flavor of Love, not the Flavor of Friendship."
This is the Flavor of Love, not the Flavor of Friendship.
I m Not Here To Make Friends
27Ty Webb wrote:I'm here to win at making friends. I guarantee I can do that better than any of you fucking losers.
That might be a reality show I would watch. Friend making for money.
I m Not Here To Make Friends
28Ty Webb wrote:I'm here to win at making friends. I guarantee I can do that better than any of you fucking losers.
You have described the only realty show concept that has yet to be aired.
Mike G.
I m Not Here To Make Friends
29Great. Now somebody pay me! Let's get the writers on this shit immediately.
You had me at Sex Traction Aunts Getting Vodka-Rogered On Glass Furniture
I m Not Here To Make Friends
30Ty Webb wrote:Great. Now somebody pay me! Let's get the writers on this shit immediately.
Would Greenlight this.