law thingy: the right to bear arms
Posted: Mon Nov 15, 2004 4:23 pm
Rotten Tanx wrote:Is any of this neccesary though? I mean, maybe it is, I dont know, but it doesnt seem it. Ok, maybe shotguns for bears. But do people need to hunt nowadays?
I don't like guns. I've shot them, even, and I just don't like the damn things. Probably because of freaks like this who take such fucking joy in pointing out that they have them. Ooooh, is that an attempt to intimidate? Golly! (I swear I saw my fascist dickhead cousin in the website.)
Anyway, yes - people do still hunt to get through the year. In rural PA (where I lived for a while), there are tons of families who rely on their couple of freezers of deer meat to get through the winter. Most hunters do not come from this group, but some do. While I can't personally abide hunting, it is a vital activity for some people.
In the urban areas, the poor live on subsidized grocery store food. In the rural areas, some rely on hunting to supplement their food supply.
About the assault weapons ban - I think the application of the law should be discussed separately from the intent of the law. Yes, it was flawed and better guidelines would be much more appropriate - no doubt. But, is the flaw:
- in saying some weaponry is over-the-top and unjustifiable
just in the poor execution of the law?
I'm not for unilaterally banning guns (mostly for the rural vs. urban thing - Dean spoke on this Pre-Shrub Round Two). I have no problem with outlawing frigging tommy guns or their like, though.