Who shot JFK?

Oswald (it could've happened)
Total votes: 12 (38%)
Grassy knoll shooter (have you SEEN frame 303?)
Total votes: 20 (63%)
Total votes: 32

Lone nut or orchestrated plot?

Rick Reuben wrote:
ubercat wrote:She was attempting to put the President's head back together. Look at the footage. She grabs a bit of his head (on the trunk hood) and gets back into the car placing the bit back in his head.

There. Feel better? It's what she was trying to do.

Yeah, I'm sure she thought that surgeons could glue exploded skull shrapnel back together. :roll:

Who the hell are you to interpret her behavior anyway?

Got any opinions on why the driver slowed down rather then sped up? What was up with that braking during a crossfire, Grohl? Got any opinions on why the car had slowed drastically at the precise moment that the driver's head is turned and JFK's temple pops open?

Watch the grass background slow during the killshot.

this is a little off topic, but i'd pay good money to see what a "to do" list for a typical day of yours looks like.

Lone nut or orchestrated plot?

Do you Oswald-did-it people know who Earle Cabell was? Let me help you: the guy was the mayor of Dallas in 1963. Also the guy who rerouted the motorcade. Earle's brother just happened to be Charles Cabell, former Deputy Director of the CIA, who was fired by JFK in 1962 for the Bay of Pigs fiasco.

Wow, what a startling coincidence! The brother of one of JFK's biggest and scariest enemies personally guided the president into the cross hairs! Would anyone here dispute that Jeb Bush helped steal Florida for his brother?

I don't know how a reasonable person could read about the CIA's activities in the 50s and 60s--about the Bay of Pigs, Operation Mongoose, Guetamala, JM/WAVE, etc etc etc--and not come to the conclusion that something was, at the very least, a bit fucking fishy.

Oh wait. I forgot. Penn and Teller "debunked" it.

JFK pissed off a massively powerful, clandestine government agency dedicated to assassinating foreign politicians and waging secret wars. Is it really that perverse to think that members of that same organization would set its sights on a U.S. politician, using, basically, the exact same M.O.?
Last edited by connor_Archive on Tue Jun 17, 2008 2:34 pm, edited 4 times in total.

Lone nut or orchestrated plot?

Rick Reuben wrote:That's about a tenth of it.

A rare and disappointing moment of reticence from Rick Reuben.

Let's not forget the 44 (of 46) direct witnesses, many of them doctors in Parkland and Bethesda, that testified as to having seen a large wound in the back of Kennedy's head that was "rubbed out" of the official National Archives photograph.

Oh, but what do they know! Those hopped up, pill-poppin' doctors!

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