Recording Session Photos

Tommy wrote:TomWanderer wrote:*EDIT* If you click on 'em, they show correctly.Not a true statement, FWIW.Ugh. Fuck. They all display correctly when I click on them on my computer. Sorry guys.eliya wrote:What was the cat singing into?That's E.T. She fuckin' rules, and as a critter of good taste she prefers the white MD421. Most days when I go downstairs she is curled up right in front of the Gibson cab with that mic right in front of her face.

Recording Session Photos


Here's my basement. My wife plays that Airline lapsteel through the Silvertone amp, there's a 4033 and MD421 on the trapezoidal Gibson Titan III cab. Vocals/room mics through the Copicat tape delay, into the Univox PA and out the Univox speaker (both found in the trash!) and mic'd with another MD421. I play a Memphis 30 scale bass through the Traynor YBA 4, got an RE20 and an M380 on it. For drums, there's a MD421 on snare, D112 on kick, 4033 overhead. Everything is going into that old Sony, mixed down to 4 tracks and run into the Tascam 488MKII. This is the setup. We've been recording down there for like 8 years and it's currently the best it's ever been.

Recording Session Photos

TomWanderer wrote:I've actually got two identical Tascam 488 MKIIs now. The one pictured is a little beat, has a couple blown pres, but works fine. That's the one I record on. Then upstairs I've got a little "post production" area where I have one that's super clean. Now I don't have to lug the whole 8 track around from recording to mixing, I can just pop out the tape and take it upstairs. There are so many fucking features on that deck...I hardly use any of em, but someone who's more savvy could do a hell of a lot with that thing.Yeah, we made my old band's full length on one in a basement remarkably similar to yours. Good times.
"You get a kink in your neck looking up at people or down at people. But when you look straight across, there's no kinks."
--Mike Watt

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