
Total votes: 7 (7%)
Not crap.
Total votes: 92 (93%)
Total votes: 99

Band: Flipper

I think I've said this before on here, but the case of the original lineup falling apart after Gone Fishin' is truly a tragic tale. Fishin was, for me, just as good as Generic, and showed a serious artistic progression. I get the feeling if they would have been able to stick it out a while longer, they could have pulled a Wire with their 3rd album. As if having 4 perfect albums documenting their existence isn't great enough.

Has anyone seen one of their reunion shows yet?
We are The Fall in the Neighbourhood of Infinity

Band: Flipper

totally awesome, so much more than a mere band -
I am ~so~ glad I'm old 'cuz I got to see 'em at The
Cubby Bear!!

YOU try and remember all the words AND play bass
while tanked to the gills on that much heroin, go on
I dare ya.
I don't have a girlfriend, but I know a girl who would get really mad at me if she heard me say that!

Band: Flipper

I listened to Generic for the first time in probably two decades tonight, and I really wasn't that into it. Not that I was into it much back then. "Life" is kind of a cool song, and I like the big fat bass lines, but I gotta say I'm pretty underwhelmed by Flipper.

What I wanna know is whether or not they're playing this sloppy on porpoise.

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