
Total votes: 82 (62%)
Total votes: 50 (38%)
Total votes: 132

Band: Metallica

I must give them a not crap.
A wonderful giant part of my life growing up, and that's the real good shit as far as music goes.
Yes they exclusively put out shit records nowadays, but who dosent?
They are old rich guys now, of course their records are going to suck giant cocks. As I am not at all interested in what old rich guys might have to say about anything, I tuned out long ago.
That does not change the fact that Lightning, Puppets and Justice are all great records. Puppets being a masterpiece all around, one of the better records ever recorded by any rock band as far as I am concerned.
As far as them being dipshits, yes....but I gotta tell ya if that's what you are gonna go by as far as bands you like, you are gonna have a hard time finding a rock band not filled with dipshits....
Rick Reuben wrote:Marsupialized reminds me of freedom

Band: Metallica

MrFood wrote:Weirdly, I had just been looking at this before coming upon this thread.

What a tool.


that's terrible.

i've always been convinced that Hetfield is a much better player than Kirk Hammett. I think Kirk peaked on And Justice for All.....and that was after he was in tears because of producer-man told him "play it better!" (Or so I've read.....I think).

either way, that little video was 1000% embarrassing. like he needs the extra money? the crap factor just went up a notch.

Band: Metallica

my friend chris says he wants to take away Kirk's WahWah pedal so he cannot wank out those bad solos anymore.
The Metallica Trilogy totally slays. They are a plane crash band though.
If the plane crashed on them in 1989 or so, they would be legends with a great run.
Not Crap for making me bang my head instead of go to jail at 17 years old.

Band: Metallica

I saw the Black Album on VH1 Classic's "Classic Albums" last night.

Holy balls what a bunch of asshats. Lars said a lifetime of stupid shit in an hour (minus commercials), I wish I would have written some of it down.

The following is all paraphrased but you'll get my point.

James/Lars: Before working with Bob we would record drum tracks with just the two of us. James would play and we'd focus on getting everything perfect. We'd get up to the first verse perfect. Then we'd do the first verse until we got that. Then the chorus, etc. We were even punching in drums. It was too mechanical.

Bob: When I came on board for the Black Album I told them how I work which is the whole band playing the songs together to get a live feel so it's not so mechanical.

Not five minutes later...

Bob: We spent most of the time trying to get the drums perfect doing 30-40 takes per song, just looking for that perfect take. Then we'd find the perfect verse and the perfect chorus, etc. and cut them all together.

Then we watch Kirk and Jason recording their parts in the control room with the rest of the band laying on the couch reading Metal Edge.

So much for the live feel.

Yeah those first four records are pretty good, but everything since makes them crap.
drew patrick wrote:Peripatetic will win.

Band: Metallica

I can't play anything by them anymore, I cringe. The first 4 albums were great, but it all went to shit with the Black album.

No band on the planet deserves more disgusted looks. Maybe Aerosmith, but not much else.
Marsupialized wrote:I want a piano made out of jello.
It's the only way I'll be able to achieve the sound I hear in my head.

Band: Metallica

Champion Rabbit wrote:
MrFood wrote:Weirdly, I had just been looking at this before coming upon this thread.

What a tool.

It's funny seeing that video having (as a teenager) spent many happy(?) bedroom hours trying to play those songs. He actually can't play their songs any better than a standard, spotty 16 year-old. When you listen to the guitar parts played on their own, you really start to appreciate how important the production on those records must have been...unless maybe Hetfield really was a far better player.

Anyway, NOT CRAP for the first 3 records, after that CRAP.

jesus, this guy is terrible. it's funny, i was thinking last week how i can't hear ONE SINGLE kirk's part that i like. and i really do some of metallica.
first two albums were okay
masters of puppets was great
justice was over the top but good

edit: it's amazing that the official metallica thread has only 2 pages.
Last edited by emmanuelle cunt_Archive on Sun Dec 30, 2007 6:03 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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