Why do you hate Pearl Jam so much?

kerble wrote:J. Burns wrote:They're better than Alice In Chains, so I'll give 'em credit for that.No. Sadly they are not. They're not as obviously awful as Soundgarden, yet are much less interesting. To boot, they didn't write a single song better than Mother Love Bone's "Crown of Thorns"...which is even sadder, when you think about it.You think Alive in Chains and especially Pearl Jam are/were better bands than Soundgarden??Anyways kinda liked the music Eddie Vedder did for that movie Into the Wild. He should stick to making that type of acoustic camp fire music and stay away from yodeling stadium rock.

Why do you hate Pearl Jam so much?

I have seen The Pearl Jam. Ah, the nostalgia....[dissolve]It was as if a scene from an early-nineties slacker film: A young, tiny me is bodypassed to the front of the stage where an equally tiny pre-Grunge King warbles his soon-to-be hits. A hand is extended mid-pass and the singer gives it a shake a triumphant fuck yeah gesture. What fun! Later we are on the receiving end of an Eddie Vedder stage dive. He was easy to catch! After performance I say to the bassist with the funny headbands Good Show! He says thank you, very kind to a small teenager. His band WAS indeed better than the two following acts, both big bands I am sure you have heard of (and loathe!)[end scene]So although today I punch the tuner with a moan and a grimace any time one of their overplayed hits comes on the radio, I have no hatred for The Pearl Jam. Just don't play their music around me and I like 'em just fine.PS The Portlandia thing was pretty funny. Seems like Ed was a pretty good sport.

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