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hench spam: the end is ok

Posted: Thu Jun 20, 2019 7:00 pm
by hench_Archive
kerble wrote:Sappy Gravel is my theme song. Just such a wonderful record.big thanks, friend! we gotta make you a rollie fingers style baseball card. instead of a stick of gum, it's got a little button on the back that plays this track, just like mid-80s mothers day cards.cneutron wrote:New one is rad!Way digging it.Non sucky Beck vibes, Flaming Lips before they were a musical war crime and some shades of Cornelius (which i've said before) all while sounding very much like itself. Eclectic, but not obnoxiously so.whoa, high praise much appreciated! real fine line between eclectic and obnoxious -- reeeeeal fine line. my hunch is that authenticity is the delineator, lest it all just seem like pageantry and put-on. does it sound like beck legit loves and gets the tropicalia source material for 'mutations'? yeah, absolutely. does it sound inauthentic when he (i think consciously) tries to repeat odelay's success with guero? yeah, a little. i don't think about this sort of stuff much when i'm actually recording. i definitely think about it when i'm prepping a sixteen-track album for the streaming services and they ask me to pigeonhole it into a single overly-broad genre.