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Thread to I.D. and Support Orgs. Fighting Hellworld

Posted: Tue Dec 04, 2018 6:00 pm
by A_Man_Who_Tries_Archive
total\_douche wrote:When you say "google it and find out yourself," you're basically saying that anyone who is lost doesn't deserve to be found. And that is profoundly sad.It is, but if folk will act like Ned Flanders' dad, you'll end up living in a hellscape. I don't derive an ounce of joy from it. It's profoundly miserable. But you'll never catch me not trying.

Thread to I.D. and Support Orgs. Fighting Hellworld

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2019 6:00 pm
by mrcancelled_Archive
Angus Jung wrote:Happy to send some money to Ilhan Omar's campaign today.Thank you for contributing to my Congressional Campaign!I came to America as a refugee, a young girl fleeing war and starvation, seeking a new home and freedom in the form of democracy. I found that in Minnesota.I m running to fight for the Minnesota I hoped for, the one I believe we can achieve together.It means so much that you're with me!Thank you,IlhanGood call. Kickin' in some as well.

Thread to I.D. and Support Orgs. Fighting Hellworld

Posted: Wed Feb 13, 2019 6:00 pm
by only here_Archive
Omar will do a lot of good if she remembers what she is there to do. It's honestly refreshing.

Thread to I.D. and Support Orgs. Fighting Hellworld

Posted: Tue May 14, 2019 7:00 pm
by Antero_Archive
Consider giving to Hometown Action in Alabama. I met some folks from that crew via People's Action and they're wonderful, doing real lefty local small-d-democratic organizing in rural Alabama.

Thread to I.D. and Support Orgs. Fighting Hellworld

Posted: Tue May 14, 2019 7:00 pm
by rephophagist_Archive
bump because this week is the darkest in a long time for news inside the U.S., AFAICT.In Georgia, Planned Parenthood and NARAL seem reliable bets, but these feel inadequate to combat the despair American women must be feeling and I'm hoping one of y'all knows more than me.Edit to add NNAF and perhaps remind about the ACLU, who are already challenging these new Gilead laws (though we might find that playing into the Jesus freaks' hand, it'll happen anyway, and I'd rather the ACLU be the people on the other side).2nd edit to add: ARC SouthEast.3rd edit to add: The Yellowhammer Fund4th edit to quit pretending I know what the fuck is up and just send you here for more advice and info than I have.

Thread to I.D. and Support Orgs. Fighting Hellworld

Posted: Tue Jun 18, 2019 7:00 pm
by jbar_Archive
Hey y'all, whatever you think about leftist gun culture, consider giving to a personal friend of mine. I can provide details over PM if you're really nosey. ... assistance

Thread to I.D. and Support Orgs. Fighting Hellworld

Posted: Wed Jun 19, 2019 7:00 pm
by Clyde_Archive

Thread to I.D. and Support Orgs. Fighting Hellworld

Posted: Sun Jun 23, 2019 7:00 pm
by mrcancelled_Archive
I know it's not an organization but Tiffany Cabán is running for Queens, NY District Attorney and has some great goals (for lack of a better term) as far as ending mass incarceration and police/criminal justice reform. The election is tomorrow. Cabán for Queens