Re: Tube amp is dead
Posted: Wed Jun 09, 2021 1:10 pm
No, but there's a semi-hard and somewhat rapid rule. The problem is that modern tubes are built with a lot less quality control than the vintage stuff. It shouldnt come as a shock that a 6L6GC made en masse by General Electric in the 60s is gonna be of superior quality than one made now in MUCH smaller quantities. It doesnt mean that your average JJ is a shit tube, but just that there are variances in their operating specs. In a push-pull amp you want both sides (the push and the pull) to be operating relatively the same. Not a problem with old tubes where any two are gonna be pretty dang close in spec, but its an issue with modern ones, thus why modern tubes are sold in matched pairs.motorbike guy wrote: Wed Jun 09, 2021 10:44 am There is no hard and fast rule that says you have to replace all your power tubes at once. If the amp is dead because of a dead tube, just replace that tube. It might not sound as good as if you replaced all of them, but it will work. Should be cheaper. Tube amps are like cars - shit wears out and they need servicing periodically.
You're right in that an amp will work with mismatched tubes, but it might not work for long