Great thread! Very inspirational!
I have been doing more with plugins and software during the pandemic. Nothing too technical as I don't know how software actually works; I'm just messing around with plugins.
Software I've used a lot recently:
VCV Rack - all purpose modular software
ReaCoMa - mangle audio samples in Reaper like
Destroy FX plugins - Jonny Greenwood buffer effects
Emergence granular synth - for evil ambient
MIDI Guitar 2 - play virtual instruments with a guitar
Amplitube 4 - amp modeling and guitar effects
A fun thing I've been doing is using MIDI Guitar 2 to send the guitar notes that I'm playing live as MIDI data to Kontakt which is running a drum module. I have a MIDI plugin before the Kontakt plugin that takes each pitch I play and randomizes it. No two notes on the guitar will trigger the same drum sample. Then I play a phrase, save the drums, erase the guitar and write a new riff to the drum track. Rinse and repeat. It's been great for generating weird grooves and ideas, though you do need a good CPU to get the latency down to an acceptable level for live use.
Any software that can help generate randomness, but with the ability to reign things in a little, are what I'm all about. I imagine MSP is next for me, I just need to sit down and experiment with it some more. If anyone has any starter tips, I'm all ears
I'm also really intrigued by
Elk OS, which I found out about on this forum. I just need to get a soundcard for my Raspberry Pi.