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Solo: John Frusciante

Posted: Wed Nov 09, 2005 1:03 pm
by Peripatetic_Archive
Bump 'cause I was listening to his records last night.

Not crap because his playing on BSSM is half the reason I play guitar.

Double not crap because all of his solo work is beautiful. ALL of it, whether sober or not, with or without members of Fugazi.

Triple not crap because he brought the RHCP out of that horseshit slump that was the "One Hot Minute" fiasco.

Quadruple not crap because his solo work is fucking amazing. Oops, I already said that.

I fucking love John Frusciante. I can't express enough how important his music is to me.

Solo: John Frusciante

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 11:53 am
by B_M_L_Archive

Does anyone know where I can see the "Under the Bridge" saturday night live thing? I've read about this before - I would love to see him screw Keidis over on national TV.

I can't stand Anthony Keidis one bit. But I love JF's guitar playing.

Solo: John Frusciante

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 1:53 pm
by mattw_Archive
B_M_L wrote:Does anyone know where I can see the "Under the Bridge" saturday night live thing? I've read about this before - I would love to see him screw Keidis over on national TV.

It was on You Tube, but I think they took off a bunch of SNL clips due to a copyright infringement.

Solo: John Frusciante

Posted: Wed Apr 05, 2006 2:07 pm
by Sock OR Muffin?_Archive
glynnisjohns wrote:Saturday Night Live in '91 or '92 The R.H.C.P. with john f. wailing
the back-up vocal for the song "under the bridge". Completely out of tune
and totally out of his fucking mind. Ruining the majesty of this hit, shit ballad.
I recomend sitting through this if you get the chance.


I remember watching this the night it happened and thinking "Damn, he must really hate the rest of those guys." He quit the band soon after.

I never really got into his solo stuff but I have enjoyed parts of Niandra Lades. Weird dude, I'm glad he didn't die.

Solo: John Frusciante

Posted: Fri May 26, 2006 3:04 pm
by wes9_Archive
Just found this...Frusicante looking like death:

Looking (and sounding) much better: ... Frusciante

Solo: John Frusciante

Posted: Fri May 26, 2006 5:58 pm
by Gramsci_Archive
only here wrote:currently blasting this DC EP...

Can someone put this on the EAforums gmail account please, I'm sure John has plenty of money, so don't feel sad.

Solo: John Frusciante

Posted: Sat May 27, 2006 3:13 am
by Hosoi_Archive
When I was a kid I special ordered the Niandra Ladies... cassette tape. I used to think he was really special, even though I never enjoyed listening to that tape because it was even longer than fucking Zen Arcade.

He is actually no good, mostly because he plays really bunk rhythms, like borderline lesbian folk bookstore restaurant rhythms.

That Red Hot Single that is out now, that solo at the end is pretty unbearable. It is such garbage with that octave bullshit. It is possible that he wrote that to be purposely shitty, to go along with the muscle rapping. Who knows. He can never shake the bunk rhythm, though. He is consistent with that.

When I was a kid, I could never play "Under the Bridge" right. I can't play his bunk rhythms. They are kind of impossible.

He is a bad guitar player. (So am I.) I think he looks nice in a t-shirt.