Neurosis are:

Total votes: 8 (13%)
Total votes: 56 (88%)
Total votes: 64

Band: Neurosis

Nice use of "bated."

So very, very NOT CRAP. Intense and bowel-watering. They've spawned some imitators that I think are diluting their impact by association, but they still destroy.

And personally, I like "viking warrior." You know, not in THAT way. 'Cause I'm not into blondes.
You had me at Sex Traction Aunts Getting Vodka-Rogered On Glass Furniture

Band: Neurosis

saw neurosis once, at a buddy's behest, during the times of grace tour. (today is the day played too, along with this vageuly rap-metal band bongzilla that sucked total ass.)

very good live show, the neurosis. normally not my style of music, but they had a lot of texture, some very memorable songs, and of course a unique presence. wouldn't wanna do battle with this band. they look like post-apocalyptic warriors, and sound like it too.

i wont even pretend to be an afficiando, but i like everything i've heard -- and i hate metal, so that's saying something.

Band: Neurosis

Right, I have a confession to make.

I went out with a woman for four years who would suddenly develop health complaints if we had an event scheduled to attend that she didn't fancy. She was also pathologically jealous and would hate me going to gigs on my own.

On MY BIRTHDAY about five or six years ago, NEUROSIS and VOIVOD played the Garage in London. On MY FUCKING BIRTHDAY. Lo and behold, two hours before the gig, guess who gets a massive headache?

You know what we did?

We went to the cinema.

You know what we saw?




I analysed this and got the fuck out of there. We broke up on CHRISTMAS MORNING, 2001. That, my dears, is revenge.

Mr Bomber, please play England again soon, preferably with another dischordant progressive thrash band with a resurrected guitarist.

Band: Neurosis

Shit, that's grim.

The more I read "AND VOIVOD", the grimmer it gets.
I feel your pain.

After making Mrs B sit through 3 hours of Bagpipe drones and heavy bass
á la Deep Space on one of my birthdays, I finally won her confidence back
last year on my birthday by taking her to see Dirty Three. She kind of
trusts me again, though she did get a shock at the Tubes when Fee Waybill
burst on stage practically naked.

Ivan's International Film Archive

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