Rubby Checkers wrote:Why should the bass do what you say it should do? Could you explain why it sounds wrong, please?
Interpol's aesthetic is refined, determined and ruly. Wrong and right do exist within their bland tonal paradigm. Their music is utterly and proudly and shamelessly devoid of the dissonance that is essential to good music. Have you heard the note I am describing? The song abides by a simple theoretical structure. The bass's role is to play the root, then go up to the third then down to the fifth when the song modulates then up to the fifth's fifth. When he goes up to the fifth's fifth he does a little chromatic dance between E and D#. This failure of the G# to go up to A and similarly dance around with it is a MISTAKE!
Anyway I have so many other things to say in this thread but I must do some supplicating at the moment...I'll be back.