Distortion recommendations?

Bartok wrote:fender have reissued the Fender Blender which is pretty fucking crazy.

I am to love this Fender Blender. This pedal, she is so crazy with the fuzz, but so hard to find for the many years. Que expensivo! Disgraziado, what the collectorini have done!

Salut, Fender, for doing this unexpected thing!
"You get a kink in your neck looking up at people or down at people. But when you look straight across, there's no kinks."
--Mike Watt

Distortion recommendations?

apparently better, true bypass and power supply inlet thing. now all our musics will sound like BZZZZRRRRAAWWWAAAAKKKAAWWWW!
My pretty pony! Why, Zorak, why? You could have had any woman you wanted! But you chose the woman I love almost as much as I love myself! You ruined my life, you ruined her life, and now, I'm going to ruin your life!!!

Distortion recommendations?

I have one of THESE and I am very happy with it. It's a bitch to find the right tone, takes a lot of tweeking. Worth every penny.

But I will also vote for the Tech 21 distortion.
Vince Clortho = retaliation $& beard;
[img]DefinitelyNOTtheSWEDE = retaliation $& text = "no ceramics in the signal path, mate, only plastic film" endline; SUB $&01001110; BNE $&01000011; JMP $&00011101;Err $&D0256FA2;

Distortion recommendations?

Neil wrote:This sounds interesting. I'd like my Distortion+ to have a little more output but I don't want the sound of the pedal to change. Does replacing the 10k pot with a 100k pot change the sound of the pedal at all?

TheMilford wrote:Ok also here's a neat mod to try with your MXR dist+.

Open it up and replace the 10k Volume pot with a 100k pot. this will give you more output volume. you can use it at lower distortion levels and still be louder than your clean sound. with the 10k the output volume is low, so you have to use more dist level to get the output up.

It'll sound a little different... try it, you can always change it back.

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