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Worst live band you ve ever seen

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 9:47 am
by matthias beebe_Archive
I saw Scissorfight once. They had this 'we're angry tough guy rednecks' act going, but no one was really buying. The the lead singer kept yelling 'fuck you' and other things at the audience all night in between songs, possibly an attempt to look like they didn't give a shit, when in fact the whole band seemed like one big affectation. I don't even want to remember the music.

Worst live band you ve ever seen

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 9:55 am
by Eating Noddemix
Doodlebug wrote:Ethyl Meatplow


Sorry, I can't help but laugh every time I see those words together.

Worst live band you ve ever seen

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 10:21 am
by dontfeartheringo_Archive
I went to see Pavement at the 40 Watt club completely cold- I just knew that Lance Bangs had been chewing everyone in Athens' ear off saying "I just got back from NYC, and I saw THE GREATEST BAND IN THE WHOLE WORLD... EVAR!!!1! A PONY!!"

He had about ten days to talk them up to everyone who would listen before their tour brought them to Athens.


What a piece of shit band that was.

I left after three songs, I think. It just never got any better.

Lance was deeply embarrassed, not just because he had totally pumped the band up to everyone, but they were so so so VERY bad that night, that it was impossible for anyone to imagine that they could EVER be good.

I think Stevie Milkman owes Lance an apology. His credibility took a serious blow that night.

Worst live band you ve ever seen

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 3:03 pm
by The MayorofRockNRoll_Archive
I just remembered the night I had to endure an Eagles show.

There was this girl who used to come in to this place I used to work at in the mid-nineties. Cute, considerably younger at the time, had rich parents (she was from Johnson County. If you're from in or around Kansas City you know what this stipulates). Anyway, she asked me if I wanted to see the Eagles with her, and I said yeah sure for the following reasons:

1. She was cute
2. She got the tickets for free, and I assumed she shared my mid-twenties hipster-sarcastic sense of irony and that we would be going to bond over possibly laughing at the Eagles, and their fans, and that would lead to us making out.

Anyways- it was at Sandstone Ampitheatre, which is an outdoor arena.

Of course- A.)it stared raining
b.)girl in question actually like the Eagles and didn't appreciate
my non-appreciation. Therefore, we had very little to talk
c.)fuck man, it was the Eagles. I was watching the fucking Eagles in the rain with a date who wasn't that interesting or that interested in me. Of course the Eagles ran through Don Henley, Glenn Frey and Joe Walsh solo hits, making the night that much longer.

Mercifully, it ended early.

Worst live band you ve ever seen

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 6:39 pm
by prplmtngal_Archive
I've been resisting posting in this thread since it's inception, in the spirit of if you can't say anything nice...

but here goes.

A group of us drove a few hours to Wilamantic, CT from Schenectady to see Eye Hate God with Thirteen opening. To say the turnout was sparse would be putting a positive spin on situation. This did not sit well with lead singer boy in Eye Hate God (forgotten his name, don't care to waste any time looking it up). Anyways, Thirteen played an average, if uninspired set, adequate enough; I'm sure it's hard to play to a nearly empty room even when the few people there are supportive and enthusiastic.

Eye Hate God came on and started out OK, almost got to a groove. There was some mic problems, it was corrected and they continued on. The longer they played, the more angry singer boy got, insulting the club, insulting the promoter and finally openly insulting the people that showed up to watch a band whose music they enjoyed. It was like the band was playing background music to this guys temper tantrum. The mic glitched again and singer boy heaved it to the floor, obviously breaking it to an unusable condition. The band tried to play a bit more but tantrum boy had stolen the show. By the time it devolved into nothing, the only sound I heard from tantrum boy's mouth was that of a 6-week-old infant crying because he'd been sitting in a shitty diaper for 3 hours. All his nasty words were the sound of an irate and inconsolable infant (i.e. how peanuts characters hear adults speak wah wah, wah wah wah). That show ruined any positive concept I had of (or might've gained from future releases) for Eye Hate God. I see those words and I hear a fuckin' baby crying.

Worst live band you ve ever seen

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 6:43 pm
by Your Capn Speakin_Archive
Every strummy, singalong, drown-a-pint and dontcha know this one?, too-rye-aye acoustician in an American Irish pub comes to mind. Even worse if attached to a band. At least that's been my experience the last few years.

Worst live band you ve ever seen

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 7:03 pm
by Skronk_Archive
Back in High School, a friend's band were playing a show, and he asked if I liked to go. I liked them back then, sort of a good version of Korn (if that's possible), and he handed me a couple of tickets.

Well, me and two friends show up, and the crowd of people don't seem like the type to be into this kind of music. Only after we walked into the club did we find out no one in there was under 35. He gave us the wrong tickets. The club they were playing at was in the other building. This show, was like seeing what was left over after alterna-grunge died. Complete crap. A 40 something year old woman trying to look 20 had her boyfriend play guitar while she sang. Badly. We didn't leave as quickly as I would've liked, my friends had to use the bathroom. One of my friends is a loud mouth, and got into an argument with the lead singer of the gin blossoms-type band in the bathroom. After that, we hauled ass.

I still to this day haven't found out how in the hell my friend got the wrong fucking tickets. I mean, he was in the fucking band, for christ's sake. Needless to say, my respect for him went down a few notches.

Worst live band you ve ever seen

Posted: Thu Aug 02, 2007 8:20 pm
by DPiucchstre_Archive
In 1997 in Charlotte, NC, Some creepy cultish christian guy came up to me at a coffeehouse, and told me about a big free party that they were going to have down the street with great bands. --I really didn't want to see it, but morbid curiousity got the better of me.

The 'Free Party' turned out to be a few people and a really shitty band playing covers of shitty 'Alt Rock' covers on shitty gear though an even shittier Pawnshop Deluxe 'PA' system that probably maxed out at 20 watts.

Worst live band you ve ever seen

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 2:26 pm
by DazeyDiver_Archive
honeyisfunny wrote:
DazeyDiver wrote:Trail of the Dead was mind-numbingly boring. Built to Spill also, but to a lesser extent. Interpol were surprisingly good, as were Pedro the Lion (Bazan had a kick-ass drummer.) Iron and Wine were too quiet for anything but a coffee house. Deerhhoof were really tight, but the opening band played one 15 min. song and looked like a bad Devo knock-off.

I saw Nine Inch Nails at the Tabernacle and they slayed. The crowd, however were as close as I'm going to get to a Gathering of the Juggalos.

Worst show though: Criteria ate my balls.

Are you 15, are you just relaying details of all the gigs you've been to? I remember a Trail Of Dead show that was absolutely mind blowing, around the time Mogwai curated ATP here in about 1999ish, they may have gone off the boil but I can think of thousands of worse live bands.

Ow shit, yeah I simply started typing about the subject in general, thinking outloud about the shows i'd most recently been to. I am, unfortunately, not 15. To actually contribute to this thread, Trail of the Dead remains the most shit gig I've witnessed; I'm basing this on the fact that I really wanted to see them and they snored me. They even waited for everyone to leave before they ripped up their equipment.

Worst live band you ve ever seen

Posted: Fri Aug 03, 2007 2:32 pm
by jlamour_Archive
Does it have to be a band? Ice Cube.