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Posted: Fri Nov 23, 2007 11:52 am
by warmowski_Archive
Selected because according to genealogical research, some ancestor of my Great-great-grandfather lived in a part of Poland in the region of Pomerania once called Warmow. Names are a bitch in this part of the world: Pomerania surrounds the city of Gdansk, the name of which has changed over history depending largely on the neighboring Germans' military interest in the area. The Germans call it Danzig.

The tribal identity in Pomerania is held by an ancient people called the Kaschub, famed for having short legs and vicious wit. Surrounded as they often have been by Germans, the Kaschub are accustomed to nobody getting their jokes.

The fact that the Pomeranian is a ridiculous toy dog breed suited mainly for cradling in the grip of aristocratic dowagers is widely believed to be one of these jokes.



Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2007 4:53 pm
by skinny honkie_Archive
I had two other handles I had used often in the past, for either formal me stuff, or trival-pseudo-anon stuff.

I ditched both handles after a bout of stalking, and I figured skinny honkie was pretty damn apt. Nowadays I use it for most public-me stuff. I've realised that I probably need to draw a line with my use of it at some point. I've got a friend who became very immersed in forum culture, and ended up knowing her friends only by their handles.....picture the following family introduction:
Skinnys Friend: "Mum, this is Chaoswulf; Chaoswulf, this is my mum."
Chaoswulf: "Actually, you can call me Rebecca."


Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2007 6:13 pm
by trompuss_Archive
Mine is just an old nickname I was given. I worked in a welding shop in the early 90's and an older mexican started calling me the name. I never felt he liked me in the first place. I asked another mexican there what it meant and he said it meant "Tricky white boy." I was later told by another that it meant "Little tramp." Either way, it stuck. I believe the correct spelling is actually 'Trompas'.


Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2007 6:50 pm
by 242sumner
trompuss wrote:
I believe the correct spelling is actually 'Trompas'.

I think it means 'Horn'.


Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2007 7:10 pm
by burun_Archive
warmowski wrote:Selected because according to genealogical research, some ancestor of my Great-great-grandfather lived in a part of Poland in the region of Pomerania once called Warmow. Names are a bitch in this part of the world: Pomerania surrounds the city of Gdansk, the name of which has changed over history depending largely on the neighboring Germans' military interest in the area. The Germans call it Danzig.

The tribal identity in Pomerania is held by an ancient people called the Kaschub, famed for having short legs and vicious wit. Surrounded as they often have been by Germans, the Kaschub are accustomed to nobody getting their jokes.

The fact that the Pomeranian is a ridiculous toy dog breed suited mainly for cradling in the grip of aristocratic dowagers is widely believed to be one of these jokes.


It is well known that I am a fan of Mr. 'ski, so this seems rather redundant but this is the funniest thing I have read in a long time.


Posted: Sun Nov 25, 2007 9:01 pm
by a-mat_Archive
a-mat = Aaron Matson.