Please Tell Me About You
201Age/Sex/Location? 30/Male/ Savannah, GADo you have any brothers or sisters? One sister.When was the last time that you've cried? I can't remember.Do you post on any other forum(s) and if so, which ones? Not really.What was the last good CD/LP that you've purchased? A new copy of Desire For Agony by Zeni Geva.What do you see if you look directly to your right? Exercise bike and a paper shredder.What was the last book that you've read? The Blue Book by Ludwig Wittgenstein.Are you single or in a relationship? In a relationship. Almost reached the one year mark, go us!Oustide of this board, what is your nickname? No nicknames.Can you recall your very first music purchse? If so, what is it? Beethoven's 9th Symphony.Please list three bands that you enjoy immensely: Big BlackThe Jesus LizardWirePlease list three bands that you don't like so much: I can't limit this to three.Have you ever, Moshed: Y/N Slam-danced: Y/N Stage-dived: Y/N Skanked: Y/N Break-danced: Y/N I break-danced about twenty years ago. The rest would be a negative.Do you believe in God? No.Do you believe in the supernatural? Yes and No.Do you believe in alien lifeforms? Somewhat.Have you ever thought about same-sex experimentation? Please be adult and mature about this question. No. How do you align yourself politically? Passive anarchist.Have you ever been in a protest march? If so, which one? Don't remember.How would you describe your parents? Conservative and hard to deal with, sometimes.Are your parents still alive? Yes.Do you drink alcohol? Sure.If at all applicable, post a pic of yourself here: None available from this computer.What song do you want to be played at your funeral? This will frequently change. Right now? Poptones by PIL.What color socks are you wearing? white.Are you a handyperson? yes.What game(s) did you enjoy the most in your childhood? chess, some sports, a video game phase.What was the last thing that you said? I'll be leaving in five minutes!Have you ever spent more than $100 on a pair of jeans? One time.Describe your favorite band in one word: Confusing.Are you athletic? Yes.Are you shy? Depends.Have you ever been arrested? A Y/N will suffice, but if you feel like expanding on the matter please do. Nope.Why do you enjoy this board? I met my girlfriend from here, so cheers electrical!Thank you, and God bless.You too, sir!