Write Letters To Albums

Dear Electric Ladyland,

I like how it sounds like your drummer is shit-drunk on that song where you try to drown him out with all the wacky overdubs. The drumming is the best thing about the song.

That four-song suite about smoking up and going under the sea is fucking unbelievable. How the fuck did you even think of that? Could you lend me some of your acid?

Yeah, and the last two songs rock harder than Zeppelin with dynamite up their ass.

Pass the joint. "Yeah I see what you mean brotha, maybe I can grooove..."
Life...life...I know it's got its ups and downs.

Groucho Marx wrote:Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it, misdiagnosing it and then misapplying the wrong remedies.

Write Letters To Albums

Dear S/T by Kylesa,

When I broke up with my girlfriend you were the only record I didn't pack because I thought I only needed to listen to you for a week or so until I moved out. Turns out the three of us were stuck with each other for two months, remember that? I think you and I need to take a little break.
I'm not going to lie to you, Hank Williams' 20 Greatest Hits has been hanging out with me lately, and I was shooting the shit with Music to Make Love to your Old Lady By and I Name You Destroyer Saturday night.
Look, I still want to be friends, but our relationship to one another has been getting a bit stagnant. I know you think that GI and Damaged are a bad influence on me, but it's not like it used to be, really. Really. I just check in on them now and again, see how they're doing, make sure they're okay.
I don't know S/T, I think we just need some time apart. Maybe we can get together while I clean the house this weekend and you can do that thing that always entertains the hell out of me.
Take care of yourself S/T. I'd really like if we could keep in touch and I promise I'll visit you sometime.

This is going to get worse before it gets any better.

Write Letters To Albums

Glittering Prizes wrote:Dear The Piper at the Gates of Dawn,

You are an only child.

I love you.


Dear The Madcap Laughs,

You are the other kid that got locked in the basement at birth. I love you too in all your pained glory.
Life...life...I know it's got its ups and downs.

Groucho Marx wrote:Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it, misdiagnosing it and then misapplying the wrong remedies.

Write Letters To Albums

Dear Gore's Lifelong Deadline,

Hey, just a quick note to apologize for my behaviour lately. You were telling me all these cool things the other day, but I kept staring blankly without realizing it. Even after you kept repeating your point in different ways, I guess I zoned out on the tone of your voice. These weird neighbours kept torturing their baby and shooting machine guns in the house, and it was distracting. Anyway, just wanted to say I dig where you're coming from, even if I don't follow all of it.

Let's jam sometime,

The band is happening

Write Letters To Albums

Dear Summer In Abbaddon,

I love how everyone always asks who you are. It makes me feel special.

Dear Blue Screen Life,

Why are you the only record that skips on my portable record player and not on any other deck? You are not being fair. Do you want me to stop loving you? Fine.
Tom wrote: I remember going in the back and seeing him headbanging to Big Black. He looked like he was raping the air- really. He had this look on his face like, "yeah air... you know you want it.".

Write Letters To Albums

Dear The End is Near,

I know I've told you this before, but you totally slayed my face when we met.

For a while I thought it was growing back, then I got The Newness Ends and Transaction de Novo and, well... now I don't mind the gaping face wound so much any more. Thank you.

Kindest regards,

Write Letters To Albums

Dear Hank Williams 20 Greatest Hits,
I'm not exactly ready for commitment. Kylesa's S/T and I, well, I don't know... It's a long story, 20 Greatest Hits. Keep in touch, though. If you want, you can hang out with me and Leadbelly: King of the 12-String Guitar and Muddy Waters: 20th Century Masters Collection and Calexico's The Blacklight this weekend. Just a friendly get together.
This is going to get worse before it gets any better.

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