by Big John_Archive
benadrian wrote:VaticanShotglass wrote:Alright. If it works as a great fuzz and a great overdrive, then sure, that's easily worth the price seeing as it looks like a tank. That's the price of two awesome dirt pedal, easily. Bummer if only one side is awesome.In Helms Alee, Ben uses a Fulldrive II (fancy tubescreamer) and an Ibanez Wau Fuzz (the 6 transistor Shin Ei Superfuzz circuit). The Verellen Big Spider is basically the Fuzz in the Wau Fuzz circuit. My guess is that this pedal is going to be the these two circuits; fancy TS and Superfuzz.The "scoop" switch is a SuperFuzz trademark feature. This one added 4 knobs Fuzz, Volume, Treble and Bass controls which seem like good tweaks. The original just has 2 knobs the mysteriously labeled "balance and expander" which I think are volume and fuzz. In the original SuperFuzz the scoop is a switch (which is also your only tone control putting in a mid hump or flat) most people will just use one position, mid hump is the one most folks I know use as the octave tone seems to work in that mode. I am sure some folks use the other if they want a less brutal fuzz though I find the Shin e Companion circuit more manageable if you want a lighter fuzz.. Probably with the added tone controls and foot switching working together the two modes will be more used and useful togeather. Some mods of these put the interior pot that sets the octave sensitivity on the top of the box which they don't do here but I am not sure if that is all that useful. The scoop with the octave is kind of the SuperFuzz trademark sound. I am sure with a tone control on the boost in front it to give it a kick, it probably can go into a lot of great sonic territory.