Re: Little Details from Your Day

Teacher's Pet wrote: Mon Aug 21, 2023 11:26 am There's a defunct storefront near me in Brooklyn where an older dude will sometimes sell yard sale grade knickknacks and "vintage" hippie posters (digital re-prints) and other odds and ends. On Saturday, behind the posters, he had this (below) which was clearly a real painting made, by hand.

The style, subject matter and aspect ratio suggested commercial artwork for reproduction (too narrow for a magazine, so I figured it was probably for a paperback pulp novel.) The guy quoted an affordable price and I jumped on it.

I got home and googled the artist name "C. Doore" and immediately got tons of results for pulp novels and pulp magazines, and lo and behold:
Shame about the dorky glitter tape somebody added. Nevertheless, I'm glad to have rescued this piece, I will make sure it finds a forever home where it will be taken care of and appreciated. I'm not sure it meets the criteria for 'art I would like to live with in my house' but I think I could flip it for a low, fair price and still make a little beer money.

If anybody has any advice/experience with non-eBay "art auctions" please do share.

We're hoping she's about to turn around and kill her attacker with his own gun. I have a copy of 'Straw Boss' on the way now so we can find out. Not gonna hold my breath on that one.
UPDATE: The auction date approaches, get out your checkbooks.
Sorry, no PRF deals available.

I just hope I get to meet the moustache guy from Antiques Roadshow, he works at the auction house. I'm a big fan.

Re: Little Details from Your Day

Teacher's Pet wrote: Tue Jun 04, 2024 1:04 pm
Teacher's Pet wrote: Mon Aug 21, 2023 11:26 am There's a defunct storefront near me in Brooklyn where an older dude will sometimes sell yard sale grade knickknacks and "vintage" hippie posters (digital re-prints) and other odds and ends. On Saturday, behind the posters, he had this (below) which was clearly a real painting made, by hand.

The style, subject matter and aspect ratio suggested commercial artwork for reproduction (too narrow for a magazine, so I figured it was probably for a paperback pulp novel.) The guy quoted an affordable price and I jumped on it.

I got home and googled the artist name "C. Doore" and immediately got tons of results for pulp novels and pulp magazines, and lo and behold:
Shame about the dorky glitter tape somebody added. Nevertheless, I'm glad to have rescued this piece, I will make sure it finds a forever home where it will be taken care of and appreciated. I'm not sure it meets the criteria for 'art I would like to live with in my house' but I think I could flip it for a low, fair price and still make a little beer money.

If anybody has any advice/experience with non-eBay "art auctions" please do share.

We're hoping she's about to turn around and kill her attacker with his own gun. I have a copy of 'Straw Boss' on the way now so we can find out. Not gonna hold my breath on that one.
UPDATE: The auction date approaches, get out your checkbooks.
Sorry, no PRF deals available.

I just hope I get to meet the moustache guy from Antiques Roadshow, he works at the auction house. I'm a big fan.
This is so cool. Can I be forward and ask how much you got it for?

(no judgement wrt the final sale price - you had a good eye!)

Re: Little Details from Your Day

andyman wrote:
This is so cool. Can I be forward and ask how much you got it for?

(no judgement wrt the final sale price - you had a good eye!)
I'm sure I paid the full asking price which was, I think, $35.
I remember thinking that if he'd asked for $50 or $75 I probably would have passed.
I'm not really sure why that is, it's not rational.

There is one other time where I scored a valuable vintage poster for only a few bucks.
When I start to feel bad about it I just think of all the years I spent sending monthly checks to the student loan lender paying off the education that allowed me to recognize the poster in the first place.

Re: Little Details from Your Day

Jodi_Ess wrote: Wed Jun 05, 2024 6:02 pm
andyman wrote: Wed May 29, 2024 6:54 am Last night I dreamt I was fist-fighting my father.

I woke up feeling really good.
I'd rather fight my own father

My little detail is I moved across the city a month ago. I went from the north, where all the trendy and arguably more expensive neighbourhoods are, to the south side which is considered poorer, less happening, but is secretly better. The two biggest changes: 1) the parks are so much better! Gone are the flat, boring grounds worn within an inch of their life and filled with people sipping coffee or day-drinking in sunglasses... everything is bustling with plant life and animals - it's all under-mowed, filled with flowers and birds, thriving with life... families are seen picnicking and kids swim in streams.... there are what appear to be miniature meadows... It's like a different city.
2) The food is like at least a level better. The north side was full of chains or decent but hardly inspiring independent stuff. We've ordered from three different Vietnamese places (hey, don't judge) and one curry house and they're hands-down some of the best I've ever had.
Absolutely shocking, the difference.

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