The name of my own band is

Total votes: 9 (23%)
Total votes: 30 (77%)
Total votes: 39

Band Name: Your own band

glynnisjohns wrote:
glynnisjohns wrote:
rashiedgarrison wrote: Bark Psychosis - crap name, .

wait 2 godamn seconds.....1......2.... i really like this band what albums did you play on? it is a crap name. kept me away from these guys until somebody played it for me. wasn't Graham Sutton AKA Boymerang inthis band?

I have now realized in my drunken stupor that Rashied posted this SIX months ago! I guess he's prolly not in the band anymore. sigh.

I will tell you something that Mr. Rashied told me on this very board: he was in BP before they recorded anything. I will tell you something else: Graham Sutton has on this board a couple of times.

Bark Psychosis! Not a very good band name, but one of the best bands ever.
matthew wrote:His Life and his Death gives us LIFE.......supernatural life- which is His own life because he is God and Man. This is all straight nuttiness or mystical crap here.

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