
Total votes: 16 (35%)
Not Crap
Total votes: 30 (65%)
Total votes: 46

TV show: Heroes

unarmedman wrote:Great episode. My cousin thought West was somehow bad, or tied to the company. Guess he was wrong. West was better this episode.

The ending was a nice play off of Season 1, and easily the best part of the whole show so far.

Also, notice the lack of Monica? Yeah, that's a good thing.

i thought west was bad too, but now i guess that just had to do with the acting. the end was great, i shed a little tear before it was revealed.
i hope elle leaves the dark side and is instead the dark side of the good side. i still think monica could get good, but that would require her leaving the new orleans storyline altogether. no maya and alejandro either, which was not bad!

TV show: Heroes

Yeah, this episode was fucking outstanding. I totally bought into Bennett being dead, too, because for some reason i wasn't ready to buy that, even though Claire can come back from the dead, her blood would do the same for other people. Iiiiiii'm an idiot!

My roommate came up with what i think is a brilliant swerve and motivation for Adam's character: Part of why he wants to kill the company may be because of Hiro's family connection to them and a desire for revenge on Hiro and his family. I sort of really dig the idea of a time loop where The Company's actions lead to the First Season finale, which leads to Hiro going back in time, which leads to him creating the myth of Takeo Kenzei, which leads to Adam/Kenzei feeling betrayed by Hiro, which drives him to form The Company and assemble the heroes because he knows one of them will eventually give birth to Hiro, which leads eventually to the First Season Finale, which leads to Hiro going back in time...

Marsupialized wrote:Thank you so much for the pounding, it came in handy.

TV show: Heroes

Here's the problem with Heroes: the guy could just travel time, any time, for any situation, any number of times.

Someone got killed? Travel back in time and stop it.

Something bad happens? Travel back in time and stop it.

Travel back in time and just be seconds too late to stop someone getting killed/something bad happening? Travel back in time again, 100 times if need be, and stop it from happening.

This programme is donkey piss. It should be called "Guy who can travel back in time at will but only does so arbitrarily depending on what we're doing with the plot this week".

TV show: Heroes

I've not read all this thread so maybe this has already been said (and note I'm in England and we're a season or two behind I think) but I just recently read the Watchmen and can't help but think that this show is a total rip off. SPOILER ALERT (for Watchmen)
Even down to there being an amoral superhero character who thinks he's doing good by destroying New York. Fucked up superheroes. A character seeing through time. A comic within the main story.

I reckon Moore would have a case in a court over this one.

I still like the show mind you but just sayin.

TV show: Heroes

run joe run wrote: It should be called "Guy who can travel back in time at will but only does so arbitrarily depending on what we're doing with the plot this week".

thats the issue for any sci fi show featuring time travel, of which there are a billion of them.

Its impossible to do time travel w/o those problems, yet fans demand time travel regardless

TV show: Heroes

Hexpane wrote:dud of an episode last night, back to the tacky romance, awkward "kid movie" scenes and filler set up and completely unbelievable Sylar/Mayja storyline

yeah monica... ok i give up. i won't try and convince anyone she'll be any good anymore. she sucks. there were some bad scenes this episode, but for the most part i thought it was pretty good. maya is a fucking idiot but it'll be cool (maybe) to see where this goes now that alejandro is dead. they're just strait killing mohinder with the lame sudden emphatic trust of the company, but that could change. i still fucking LOVE LOVE LOVE elle, and it's fun to see peter and hiro face off!

season finale next week! yay! boo!

TV show: Heroes

I am not sure why but I really, really, wish that they would just get rid of Sylar. I have nothing against Zachary Quinto or his acting, and have everything against what they are doing with his character. His nefarious ways just seem to be more human than human, it's completely banal, and it's really pissing me off.

Once again, Mohinder drops the ball by not attempting to take a shot at him almost immediately through the door. He killed HRG so effortlessly, why hesitate now?

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