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The Sub-Prime Blowout And The Con Man Exodus
Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 7:27 am
by Earwicker_Archive
big_dave wrote:Earwicker, your last dozen-odd posts on this forum have been attempts to start arguments with me.
No they haven't. I've disagreed and pointed out where you were being deliberately obtuse a couple of times but generally civilly I'd say.
I posted the above to register that I think you're out of order.
You are.
But what do you care that I think that?
This conversation obviously isn't going anywhere, you're not going to admit you were acting like a child, so you can carry on and I'll step off and let the thread get back on topic. It was that that i was criticising in the first place.
big_dave wrote:Or are you going to go back your Tunbridge-Wells handwringing whenever I post anything at all.
Again I don't understand this. But if you state that someone has something to do with child porn again then yes, I'll wring my hands at you.
I think it's out of order.
The Sub-Prime Blowout And The Con Man Exodus
Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 7:34 am
by syntaxfree07_Archive
Earwicker wrote:Again I don't understand this. But if you state that someone has something to do with child porn again then yes, I'll wring my hands on my wiener.
Speaking of kiddie porn; would you please stop sending it to me in PMs?
The Sub-Prime Blowout And The Con Man Exodus
Posted: Thu Apr 24, 2008 7:36 am
by big_dave_Archive
Earwicker, stop calling me a "child" after a career of "wah, you started it, your insults are worse than mine" posts.
Maybe you're a decent guy and all, but sheesh. I'm not looking for internet vendetta.
The Sub-Prime Blowout And The Con Man Exodus
Posted: Wed Apr 30, 2008 5:00 pm
by Big John_Archive
I think that the layoffs really started early last year. But it is going to get realy bad. With a war going on things have to be realy bad to go into rescession. A positive GDP in a recession.
At some point I will have time to post something longer but I think things are going to get very bad. The goverment has pretty much striped things clean money wise and handed it all over to cronies. I think the harsh times are coming big time.
What I said on another thread about stocks was related to stocks going down but kind of stableizing at some point as they have some real value and will be selling Jeep to Hyndai (final sell off of us companies). There will be real problems with stocks this is due to the reverse flow of cash once the baby boomers begin to draw down 401K investments into retirement income.
People with debt issues by this I mean morgages, credit cards, student loans, car loans (consumer lending rates will go up not due to the price the lenders get but due to the money they need) and the like which is pretty much every body will be hurting as basic expenses cut out the amount that can be paid to creditors untill they defalt.
I have friends who used to live big and were flush and got in over their heads and now getting laid off and have the fear in their eyes.
Yea it is going to get ugly for the average smucks like me. I don't know many rich people who are worrying about making next months morgage payments and heating bills. Or paying for child care and food. We are "turning a corner" into a dark allyway with the sounds of wild hungry dogs coming from the shadows.
The Sub-Prime Blowout And The Con Man Exodus
Posted: Sun May 18, 2008 6:50 pm
by eephour_Archive
holy shit.
The Sub-Prime Blowout And The Con Man Exodus
Posted: Sat May 24, 2008 8:19 am
by Big John_Archive
Moody's saying it's rateings of English tranches is wrong but that they have to come up with new methods to evaluate the opaque transactions to rate the companies. Sounds bad.
The Sub-Prime Blowout And The Con Man Exodus
Posted: Fri Jun 06, 2008 9:09 am
by Big John_Archive
Yesterday there were shouts of "The Bear Market is over".
Perhaps the Prozac coctail wore of today.
Nothing but bad news all week (some of it not as bad as they had projected). Excitement that people are buying at Walmart (I guess Whole Foods is getting too expencive).
The Sub-Prime Blowout And The Con Man Exodus
Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2008 1:53 pm
by Big John_Archive
Don't know if it will hold but the market is down over 300 to the lowest level in 104 weeks.
No where to run no where to hide. ... refer=home
Worst June Since Great Depression
The Sub-Prime Blowout And The Con Man Exodus
Posted: Sun Aug 03, 2008 12:23 am
by Nina_Archive