Poll: Lamest song you ve ever heard in your entire life

I've just realised that I had successfully blocked from memory the song that is, to me, more lame than any other song.

I do not want to search for a youtube video lest I hear the song again.

Band - The Feeling
Song - "I Love It When You Call"

It is unquestionably the most lame song I've ever heard.

Brace yourself for the worst if you care to search for it.

If you've already heard it, and maybe forgotten about it, then I sincerely apologise.
"Why stop now, just when I'm hating it?" - Marvin

Poll: Lamest song you ve ever heard in your entire life

For no good goddamn reason at all, I've had to hear this craptastic song TWICE in the past month (both times whilst out shopping):

Paul McCartney - "My Brave Face"

Right from the beginning few seconds, you know this is some evil shit.

"My Brave, My Brave, Myyyyy Braaaaave Faaaaaace!"

Jeebus Muthufuk.

I thought I had that one finally vanished from ancient memory - WHO IN FUCK'S NAME THOUGHT THAT WAS A GOOD THING TO PUT ON SHOPPING MUZAK PLAYLIST FOR 2007!?

I want names, goddammitt.

Poll: Lamest song you ve ever heard in your entire life

Marsupialized wrote:has anyone mentioned that terrible, terrible 'take a look at my girlfriend..she's the only one I got' song?

I hear it on the radio all the time, I don;t know if it's 311 or what but it's so fucking gay, how a man could live with himself singing those pussy ass words I have no idea

That's Supertramp. Everytime I hear that on the car radio, I just start saying 'not rock' over and over like a mantra. She's Crap.
Marsupialized wrote:The last time I saw her, she had some Jewish bullshit going on

ubercat wrote:You're fucking cock-tease aren't you, you little minx.

Poll: Lamest song you ve ever heard in your entire life

m.koren wrote:
Marsupialized wrote:has anyone mentioned that terrible, terrible 'take a look at my girlfriend..she's the only one I got' song?

I hear it on the radio all the time, I don;t know if it's 311 or what but it's so fucking gay, how a man could live with himself singing those pussy ass words I have no idea

That's Supertramp. Everytime I hear that on the car radio, I just start saying 'not rock' over and over like a mantra. She's Crap.

311's "Down" is one lame song.
Life...life...I know it's got its ups and downs.

Groucho Marx wrote:Politics is the art of looking for trouble, finding it, misdiagnosing it and then misapplying the wrong remedies.

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