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Re: Little Details from Your Day

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2024 12:50 pm
by enframed
rsmurphy wrote: Tue Jul 16, 2024 10:27 pm Found a microdose a friend gave me almost one week ago. I put them in the watch pocket of my jeans but forgot they were there. The jeans have been laundered. I used natural detergent and wonder if their potency has lessened. They don't look so good anymore.
I don't know what LSD is soluble with, but I imagine it'd be quite weak (not from water maybe but detergent. I have some "old" acid that I bought ten years ago, it's fine, perhaps slightly weaker, but then I have only micro-dosed for the past many years. Just hasn't been a good time for a proper trip.

Re: Little Details from Your Day

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2024 1:34 pm
by zircona1
Cheech: Hey, what was that shit, man?!?!?

Chong: You just ate the most acid I've ever seen anybody eat in my life.

Cheech: Hey, I've never had no acid before man.

Chong: Jeez I hope you're not busy for about a month, he heh heh.

Re: Little Details from Your Day

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2024 3:38 pm
by eephus
twelvepoint wrote: Thu Jul 18, 2024 10:38 am Imagine having four contiguous days to fuck off and take drugs? Or even 8 hours?
Oh it wasn't intentional...the four days bit. that was just collateral damage, losing that much time.

IIRC he said he remembered just laughing for what seemed like many many hours, like he was in a bubble of laughing and it was never gonna stop. And it was kind of good because he felt happy, but kind of not-good because part of his brain recognized that maybe he was insane now and that was just his life. Laughing. Until death.

But yeah, you need some period of time with no necessary fixed end to it, and I haven't had that in my life for quite a while.

It's getting your laundry together and driving thirty miles to another town to clean your clothes that is the funniest part. And not remembering any of that.

Re: Little Details from Your Day

Posted: Thu Jul 18, 2024 8:07 pm
by Jodi_Ess
eephus wrote: Thu Jul 18, 2024 3:38 pm It's getting your laundry together and driving thirty miles to another town to clean your clothes that is the funniest part. And not remembering any of that.
After I had my meniscal tear repaired, back in 1995 or so, I was given oxycontin for the pain (which is doesn't help with, only makes you not care you're in pain) and was to recover in my mom's house because at the time I lived in a walkup in Astoria and she had an elevator.
I got home from the hospital, after taking waaaay too long to come out of the anesthesia. After eating something, I took a half a pill and eventually fell asleep.
I woke up refreshed a few hours later. Or so I thought. In reality, I had woken up the next morning, made some phone calls that were highly entertaining to the recipients, had my bandages changed several times, eaten several meals, went back to sleep, woke up again, lather, rinse, repeat.
The refreshed "few hours later" was actually TWO DAYS LATER and I had no memory of any of the stuff I had done in the interim. But boy, did I hear about the phone calls for years afterwards.

Re: Little Details from Your Day

Posted: Fri Jul 19, 2024 7:53 am
by twelvepoint
This Heroic Dose Laundromat story leaves me with a lot of questions, most of which, I imagine, are unanswerable. I think for any recreational user, it's inevitable there will be some gross dosage miscalculation someday. Kinda just goes with the territory. But even back in the day, you kinda had to plan that 8 hour lysergic experience around your 8am classes or whatnot. There's some appeal to me, now in my 50s, to explore rewiring my mind, but it would truly have to be a meticulously planned situation, maybe with assistance, and would likely eat up a whole weekend.

Re: Little Details from Your Day

Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2024 2:59 pm
by kokorodoko
And now I can understand the convo at the end of this video (had to look up 7 words). Neat!

So, A1 I suppose? Should get to speaking some, scary as it is.

The scariest part is not knowing what to expect, what distance a simple convo can spread over, knowing your own extreme limitation in this. When you expect to understand, it is easier to understand, but in cases like this you of course don't expect to understand so it becomes so much more opaque. Very hard to estimate ability.
I didn't expect to understand what they said here either, even though it's very simple.

Like, at 14:47 she says she sometimes drinks tea with honey instead of sugar. It's a very simple phrase, but she says замість - it means 'instead of', but I didn't know this, so it throws me off the whole thing for a bit. Some people seem to handle this better.

Or що ти будеш сьогодні робити? (18:07) - what will you be doing today? - super-easy question but it takes a second for the processor to work. And that kind of thing can stump you when you're asked the question, and you feel really stupid. The annoying thing generally is the "knowing it but not hearing it" moments, of which there will probably be many, and for some time. I missed a якщо ("if") which made one part less clear.

Re: Little Details from Your Day

Posted: Sun Jul 21, 2024 6:55 pm
by bumble
I had my first time with mushrooms a bit ago, but it turns out anti-depressants blunt the effect a LOT.

I had a nice time for a short time. I think a larger dose would actually get the job done.

But since I was interested in rewiring my brain because of treatment resistant depression?

Rude, man. Deeply inconsiderate. I want to have a chat with mushrooms’ mother.

Re: Little Details from Your Day

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2024 1:04 am
by A_Man_Who_Tries
bumble wrote: Sun Jul 21, 2024 6:55 pm I had my first time with mushrooms a bit ago, but it turns out anti-depressants blunt the effect a LOT.
You want a good two weeks off those meds before mushrooms will even touch the sides.

Re: Little Details from Your Day

Posted: Mon Jul 22, 2024 4:18 am
by andyman
A man coughed in my face while I was talking to him and now I'm ill and congested. People can be really disgusting.

Re: Little Details from Your Day

Posted: Fri Jul 26, 2024 6:01 pm
by iembalm
Didn't even know Gojira was participating in the Olympics opening ceremony until yesterday, and holy shit.